Enough of this nonsense. Fix mining

I have just started mining and I learned something quickly. I only need to tap the rock once to get a skill up. This means that others are not completely draining a mining node. It could be to save bag space or something else. However, if a rich vein only produces two it means it has already been tapped by someone else. Someone else might consider it mining etiquette not to completely drain a node too. I don’t know all the “rules”.

Just suggesting you could be misinterpreting the situation, not that you are, but could. Mining may not be broken at all.

Yeah nah that is not what is happening.


If rich veins are only giving 2 something is off. My only other suggestion is that it could have something to do with layering?

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Again, I’ve mined multiple nodes that I personally observed spawn. I was the only one to ever tap it, and I’ve gotten only two taps from such nodes multiple times.


No, you can’t really confirm anything. You’re basing something off a memory from 15 years ago. That is not a confirmation, that is a fuzzy recollection at best. You’re competing for nodes early after the launch of classic with thousands of other players. A good majority of which are using gathering addons.

Even a single layer today has twice as many people as the highest pop realms did back then. Blizzard even said it themselves that what used to be a full pop realm back in vanilla is now considered a low pop realm now; on modern server hardware.

As for the rest of the Mandela effect nonsense in here, show me proof of this happening. I want to see a clip where you wait for a FRESH UNTAPPED node to spawn in front of you, then tap it until it disappears WITH THE STOPWATCH RUNNING and the chat window visible to show loot, to prove that you haven’t clipped out part of the footage. I don’t want to see footage of you striking a node that’s already there because you could have just tapped it and then turned on record to make it look like there’s less taps to it.

I love that this response basically equates to you thinking there’s a higher probability that there is a serial node tapper that hits nodes once and leaves, thus making all data mining inaccurate ALL OF A SUDDEN for all Thorium nodes in the game for thousands of players who are reporting this. Instead of acknowledging that there might be an issue with Blizzard’s math on this, which I mean they cant even get hit% auras right at the moment but you go on doing you.


If you really have a concern, go back and read the Thorium_ore page at the wiki, rather than the generic mining page, level up mining, and observe for yourself. This is actually part of any scientific theory. I have a hypothesis, test for repeatable results, and then publish my findings. My colleagues then do their own testing to ascertain the voracity of my findings. In the bug report thread, they have. You’re also welcome to try (this is the part where you do the testing yourself). If they arrive at the same results, my hypothesis becomes accepted as a theory.

If you don’t have a concern, why are you even here, other than to make yourself look exceedingly ignorant by quoting the “mining” page instead of the “thorium_ore” page from the vanilla wiki, which clearly shows thorium (both small and rich) as exceptions to the 2-4 tap yield for the rest of the ore nodes? You still haven’t addressed that.

You see, on the one hand, we have evidence from people who actually played vanilla, as well as the thorium_ore page from the vanilla wiki, as well as datamined thorium nodes in use in private servers for the last decade, and thousands of nodes farmed if you include the observations of those in the bug report thread. And on the other side, we have your wild speculation with no evidence, testing, or research whatsoever. We don’t actually have to prove a thing about what I said earlier, you’ve proved it yourself.


Some people always need things to be a crisis in order to enjoy themselves

10 people in a thread parroting each other does not equal thousands of people lol…

That was because of another glitch, which they addressed and fixed. Mining nodes don’t sit around with 20 hidden auras on them.

Aka fan pages ran by people who can write anything they want.

Also, you forget that mechanics have changed many many many times over various patches and expansions. I’m sorry, but a 15 year old anecdote does not equal proof.

Again, show me proof of this happening on classic with a stop watch running and with the node spawning in front of you(not one that you’ve just run up on because you could have tapped that before hitting record). Do this a few times and prove to me that you’re only getting two taps out of a fresh rich thorium node.

Oh and another thing, like I’ve said earlier, people might have been confused back in the day because things like two nodes overlapping each other were a very common thing.

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But a post on reddit claimed OP and his guild used it to farm hundreds of thousands of gold! Nobody lies on the internet right?!

At worst I could see maybe like 10,000 gold being the absolute height of it. The main items people abused in this exploit were flask patterns, robe patterns, and large brilliant shards. You had a few more generated than should reasonably have been on a few servers, but hundreds of thousands is laughable. Blizzard would immediately have ban hammered people for it.

Missed the point entirely, but again you do you!

Found Alex Jones classic character

Someone’s made it all the way to thorium mining and still hasn’t figured this out?

No, I don’t buy that.


This sucks for miners.

And BTW while many of you may exaggerate or down-play the layering issue, it is a fact that many have abused this mechanic to gain an advantage. There is video proof of streamers abusing it, there are people admitting they abuse it all over the place, and to claim this is a non-issue… I dont know what kind of loopholes you need to jump through in order to justify this conclusion with yourself. While I do not have figures for you, to completely dismiss this concern and ignore the implications is quite ignorant.

But hey, Papa Blizz said it is a non-issue, so I am sure you are all right.

First of all, you seem to be making two separate arguments here.

Your first argument appears to be that everyone reporting this issue remembers Vanilla wrong (i.e. Mandela Effect) and they never got as many taps as they all remember getting nor as many taps as the wikis all document were typical.

This argument is incredibly weak. It appears to be based nothing at all except your own suspicion. There is ample documentation online of what was typical in Vanilla. You refuse to accept all of that documentation for…reasons.

Your second argument appears to be that everyone who claims they are only getting 2 taps on freshly spawned rich thorium nodes is either lying or mistaken about the node being fresh because someone already tapped it.

This argument is both incredibly weak and specious. While it is superficially true that it is possible to stumble on a rich thorium node that someone else already tapped, the likelihood is pretty small given the value of those taps. It is unlikely someone would hit it once and then simply leave. Moreover, the likelihood of this happening many times over and over to many players on many different servers is so small that it isn’t worth considering.

The likeliest explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions is the obvious one. This is a bug and it should be addressed.


Proof that people will literally complain about anything. :woman_facepalming:t4:

It is a valid concern… Who are you to decide what is and isnt worth complaining about… and this isnt even complaining… he is addressing an issue and suggesting it be addressed. Your comment is nothing but hot air… a waste of 1s and 0s… data that could have been used elsewhere… and here you thinking you are the sensible one.

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Yes, it is complaining. He’s complaining about nodes giving too much ore and asking for it to be reduced, yet if it was was reduced then people would be crying, complaining, and whining about mining being “nerfed” and how it’s supposedly “game breaking” like all the other “FIX THIS NOW” posts on this forum.

And no, it isn’t a valid complaint because all the “how to make gold in classic” guides told people to pick up gathering profs, so everyone and their freaking mother are gatherers right now so the market is overly saturated with everything from ore to skins and herbs. Reducing the number of times you can mine a single node isn’t going to magically make the thousands of people per server who have mining suddenly disappear, so the problem will still be there.

Blizzard is damned if they do and damned if they don’t, so these posts are becoming tiresome. Now if you’d like to discuss a “waste of 1s and 0s” and data that could have been used elsewhere, maybe you should try directing your attention and attempts at being clever towards the people who think the game should be catered specifically to how they want to play so they complain about every insignificant thing that they don’t personally like about the game.

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People are claiming that they are only getting two taps out of fresh rich thorium nodes(one’s they claim to have witnessed spawning in front of them), on classic, this is a lie.

People are claiming they always got 5 or 6 taps out of rich thorium nodes, during vanilla, this is a lie.

Two arguments.

Oh really, just like everyone else’s arguments… But only yours is valid because there are a few people echo-chambering in here with you…

Show me actual proof and not a wiki page that can be edited. Some of you have never been to college and it shows…

classic DOT wowhead DOT com/object=175404/rich-thorium-vein#comments

I don’t see anything in here about “ZOMG U GET 2 TAP 6 TIMEZ!”

No, it’s far from weak. In fact, it’s quite strong due to the fact that nobody has provided the simple proof that I’ve asked for…

  1. Run the game’s built in stop watch
  2. Record
  3. Wait for a fresh rich thorium vein to spawn
  4. Tap it until it vanishes
  5. Repeat a few times
  6. Post unedited proof for others to see
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LOL I see, tell me more…