Enjoy doing m+ for your gear

You knew they wouldn’t let you cap full epics that quick, obviously…

Lol 20 weeks to be fully geared in conquest gear.



I mean this will be reduced via the great vault but yeah… Okay sick dude.


Ooof where did you read that? That seems extreme.

It’s 10900 conquest to buy a full set of conquest gear, 550 per week. This excludes conduits.

I guess you’ll have a legendary so like… 18 weeks minus whatever you get from great vault. So maybe 2.5 months? 10 weeks we’ll call it?

That’s big yikes


Should be the new tag for wow

the weekly Conquest cap will start at 550 and increase by 550 per week.

so it increases by 550 per week? by week four the cap should be 2200


This is so dumb lmao

This is why Dark FORCED me to make a prot legendary first :sob: I’ll never see the inside of an arena again. He’s going to make me tank and tank and kill every boss until his weapons’ drop… then he’s going to switch alts. :sob:


No - it should be 2200 for one week. the next week it would be 2750 (according to the post)

So quick math:

By week four you should have collected a total of :

week 1: 550
week 2 1100
week 3: 1650
week 4: 2200
total by week 4: 5500

Do you use conquest to upgrade the gear or honor?

Well you didn’t read the post I guess…


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JESUS how do people not understand this it’s so simple.

says it in the post CLEAR as day.


hmm this was taken directly from wow head post:

For PvP players, the weekly Conquest cap will start at 550 and increase by 550 per week.

Blizzard clarified it 5 mins ago

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It’s a catch up mechanic, it’s only 550 per week each week, not stacking accumulatively.


Yikes 10 char

this blows then.

thank you blizz for teasing us

No, thats regarding the Cacthup.

The Cap is maximum you can of ever earned and that increases by 550 a week.

So if you miss week 1, you can come and earn 1100 week 2, but if you got 550 week 1, you can earn 550 week 2.

Just like BFA.

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None of you are accounting for the weekly chest. That still gives you one good piece per weekly that is saving you 700-900 conquest.