(ENH PVP) Something needs be done

I am writing this in hopes we can get something changed for enhancement survivability. Pre-patch and we are dying with earth elemental and earth shield on me to a single rogue. We need 1-2 more defensives or tweaks to help us survive better. I am aware that this is pre-patch and things are kind of busted because we are now tuned to the character level of 60 instead of 50, but the same thing is happening at level 60 on beta. So I am here to get some support and see what you guys think on how we can change our defensives for better enhance shaman gameplay.

My first suggestion is to make the feral spirit talent baseline removed the stacking debuff of damage reduction but cap it at 10-15%. Let us make some skilled gameplay moves like preemptively swap when we are about to get stunned. Druids do this with the bear form but they can heal with frenzy regeneration and swipe or thrash. they can do this much more effectively than what I am suggesting for us. This change will help us survive better and add a skillful gameplay component for the enhanced shaman.

Another thought came to mind to help us is making a enhance gameplay more engaging and tactful is to make a PVP talent that overloads our lightning shield for 10-15 sec on 45-60 sec cd and make the lightning shield do a lot more reflective damage during that can help detur melee from attacking us for a short time period. this again activates a skill play move using it a the correct time to help us survive. This also will not make us overpowered or top because it does not affect our actual damage done just a defensive.

We have seen this one being asked for is to bring back shamanistic rage. We are going back to a warlords playstyle so it makes sense that we get it back and I would like to add this to the suggestions of what can help us in PVP. This can even be made into a PVP talent so it can help diversify our talent choices.

Lastly, we need astral shift useable during stuns. This is such an easy fix and effective.

IMHO we need to have the astral shift/shamanistic rage changes i suggested along with one of the other of the first 2 suggestions i made and enhance shaman will be in a good spot in PVP without breaking PVE content. I am open to other suggestions and lets see what we can do as a community to get something changed


I completely agree . Enhancement shamans have no survivality . Our earth shield and lightning shield are too weak and although we have a healing spell, we end up dying before using it against op classes. And even if you manage to heal several times, you are oom fast in a longer fight and other classes will outheal you from their damage abilities that heal them for a % of hp. There is no instant stun…Capacitor totem can be avoided by moving out … Every other classes have some instant stuns / disarm / etc or defensives like dodge etc. Try to filter https://www.pvpleaderboard.com/leaderboards/2v2/us for shaman / ench spec on 2v2 and you will see just 1 guy across EU + NA region above 500 rank and 4 within 1000 rank and around 50 players doing enhc shaman pvp across EU and NA in total. Enhancement shamans are fun to play but people have just moved on waiting forever for a balancing. While perfect balancing will never happen in a game like wow, it should be at least competitive for each class . I hope Blizzard does something about this.

I already made a post on how to fix it.

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I just read your post and I think that’s also a good option, I did not think of an alteration to earth shield but there’s really little to no skill gameplay when it comes to using it. You will just leave earth shield on for the entire PVP match and the double maelstrom generation might be a bit op in PvE. I was mainly looking at options for skillful gameplay without wrecking PvE because that will get nerfed.
Maybe a pvp talent that adds the 20% earth shield damage reduction would be better.

You are beating a drum here that players have been hitting since day one. I remember at one time they looked at heath pools and saw that shaman were strangely less. No one could understand why and we got a health bump bringing us in line with other classes. It’s an old thing and … well I applaud you for hitting the drum again. But sadly, blizzard is just doubling down on our single self-res once every 30 minutes. Somehow that’s supposed to compare to cloak or vanish or any number of abilities that other players have. It doesn’t. I’m all for class flavor but broken is broken and it’s been that way for a while.

I think now … it shows up so hard because our deps output is so comparatively bad. And currently SL macguffins don’t fix that.

EDIT: it’s funny too, because in almost all versions of Pally they have this exact same thing, you have to kill them 2-3 times and it’s on a short cooldown. It just looks different. Complete heals on a cooldown, big fat bubbles where they heal to full on a cooldown, and so on. Somehow that gameplay is considered conventional-wistom-ok for Pally but when it comes to shaman and our self-res it’s treated like nuclear-waste-containment sensitive. Oh no, can’t make it work too well, can’t have that! Lets put it on a gaint CD and also make them easy to kill. That will fix it.

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Enhancement already has enough buttons and skill cap.

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that’s true, people also slip in asks for auto-heals like other classes have, more base armor, and other simpler things

I do understand that i am probably fighting an uphill battle for some change at this point in time but we need to ban together and try. It does not hurt to try and hopefully make shaman in a better spot. As a member of the shaman community I want to try and make our class the best class it can be. I am not wanting us to be op like rogues or lock i just want us to have a chance to potentially outplay with creative uses of defensives and cc to win. if i can have that potential for out play i will be happy. Unfortunately, we are dying with earth shield and earth elemental up in a stun. so that leave little to no chance of the skillful gameplay I am looking for.

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I always thought it was odd that Enhance didnt have some form of an passive armor buff since ele and resto get a shield.

Seems like something easy to add that makes sense but wouldnt be game breaking.

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I’ve been here a few times. Honestly, all we can do is state what is. Because, on some level they know all this already, maybe some things are in process, maybe not. In the past I’ve always been one of those players that just rides it out, or plays two classes. One for pve and another for pvp, but that’s really time consuming. I don’t know this time, we’ll see.

I do want that have to be the only option for enhancement shamans. What would you suggest to help us defensively that will not make us op.

We’re a long way from OP.

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I don’t like the idea of having a button to buff, then having a 2nd button to buff the buff.

Would make much more sense to make Lightning Shield a 6-8 sec buff that functions as you state and that’s it. 2 buttons for 1 buff is just weird.

OR a different buff that gives stacks of MW when you take damage for several seconds to just build MW lightning fast for you to choose how to spend. This way the opponent can choose to get DPS’d or DPS’d harder if they keep attacking.

OR a different buff altogether - frost shield. Opponent gets slowed/attacks slowed if they strike you and reduces incoming damage by X% for Y seconds.

my suggestions were aimed at the survivability of enhancement shaman. do understand that having lightning shield up then making a PVP talent to buff it seems off but I was just thinking of what I see would help in a PVP situation and having faster maelstrom weapon stacks do not stop us from dying in a stun. I am trying to find solutions to doing this in particular

I have to say I completely agree with this. Enhancement is definitely my favorite spec of Shaman to play for PVE content, but as far as PVP goes … if we are stuck with the defensives we currently have compared to Ele/Resto and other classes, can’t imagine it being very fun or competitive for the new xpac, comparatively speaking.

My suggestion here:

We have an ability called Spiritwalker’s Grace, referencing the Spirit Walker class from the RPG. In the same RPG book, there is a class called Spirit Champion.

One of the RPG abilities is:

Spiritual Defense (Su): The spirits protect the spirit
champion, providing him with instinctual insights to
avoid blows. He swings his weapon up and steps to the
side, not really knowing why, and an instant later he
parries a blow from an unseen source. As long as he wears
light armor or no armor, he adds 1 point of Spirit bonus
(if any) per spirit champion level to his AC. For example,
a 2nd-level spirit champion with a Spirit of 16 (granting
a +3 bonus) adds +2 to his AC; at 4th level, he has
a +3 bonus (the maximum allowed by his Spirit score,
even though his spirit champion levels allow another
point). He retains this bonus against touch attacks and
when flat-footed, though he loses it if he is helpless.

Essentially, the idea is that the ancestral spirits assist the Shaman at blocking/avoiding attacks.

My suggestion would be an ability that for a period of time, greatly increases chance to avoid damage from attacks, a la DH darkness.

Requires Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Requires level 39
Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, granting friendly targets a 20% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 8 sec.

Given that DH darkness is an AoE block, and this would SOLELY be an enhancement shaman defensive, and given that Demon hutners can Talent DArkness to increase the chance to avoid damage to 70%,

Cover of Darkness PvP Talent
Requires Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Requires level 40
Increases the chance for you and allies to avoid damage while within your Darkness effect by 50%.

So I propose an ability called Spirit Champion’s Celerity (or we can just call it Spiritual Defense, Spirit Sense, Ancestral Protection or something lol, I just want to reference Spirit Champions.)

Spirit Champion’s Celerity
Requires Shaman (Enhancement)
Calls upon ancestral whispers to protect you in combat, granting you a X% chance to avoid all damage from attacks for Y seconds.

Usable while stunned.

This OR

This % should be very high, as it is a personal defensive, looking at DH’s darkness as a guide for what is acceptable. Possible to add a PvP talent to increase the % like DH have.

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no this is stupid. Just bring back shamanistic rage.

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No. We dont need more homogenization. We need less.

How does this homogenize at all?

Because demonhunters have a darkness.