(ENH PVP) Something needs be done

This isn’t darkness. I am comparing the defensive to another melee class that uses some magic. Additionally, DH darkness is AoE. This is not. This is a single target hyper avoidance state.

As much as I love shamanistic rage, we’ve been asking for it back for YEARS. If they’re not going to give us sham rage, why not come up with new options using existing design philosophies?

Because their existing design philosophy is bad for the game.

My point as well is referencing specifically something already existing in WoW canon as something to pull an idea from.

Then with all due respect, just play classic if that’s what you want?

I do play classic.

this is very interesting it feels more like rogues evasion or riposte if it dodges or parries. it sounds very fun and shamanistic but it doesn’t save us in a stun because you can not dodge or parry in stun unfortunately but this can be a fun additional defensive with great potential.

shamanistic rage was usable in a stun.

Yeah - hence my initial thought of making it like darkness rather than straight up avoidance, where it just gives you a % chance to avoid all damage from attacks.

i know man i did have shamanistic rage in my original post i was reply to Crescenthorn its an intresting idea with new flavor. shamanistic rage would be the most ideal or just make astral spirit useable in stuns.

the spell also gave u mana regen so u can heal yourself.

Sham rage. Usable while stunned

Tremor usable while feared

Give wolves big healing back

Ascendance zappy animation back (most importantly)

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Revert the nerf to heals so that they heal for full amount at zero MSW stacks

Make the MSW stacks reduce the mana cost of heals per stack

Make earth shield baseline

Allow both earth and lightning shield to be up at same time

Replace the earth shield talent with that earthen wall totem or whatever it’s called



All great changes.

There’s a lot that’s been removed that worked well before. Glyphed Stoneclaw, usable while stunned. Tremor usable while feared, etc.

Being able to survive during a stun isn’t general survivability. Even something like Windfury granting extra parry when critically struck for a few seconds can help. As far as defensives while CC’d, I’d like to see a return to some of the prior toolkit.

That said the current design of everyone having some type of CC, defensive, healing, etc has caused more harm than good in the game. Much of the elements of rock paper scissors has been removed in favor of the ever elusive “balance”. That’s mostly due to folks not being happy they rolled class X when they get stomped by class Y. Then they roll class Y and get stomped by class Z and the cycle repeats. Now add in even more classes and specs over the years and it becomes an effort in futility to keep giving every class everything where some classes are obviously tuned better than others. They fell into the typical gamedev trap of trying to please everyone but in the end pleasing nobody or just the FotM.

Shaman need help for sure, that’s all I know. Forcing classes to do their best work inside of CCs obviously has incredibly negative effects and should be reworked, IMO. I’m a fan of the moments of edge approach where a few seconds of having a leg up should give an obvious power advantage but that delta needs to be reduced between the moment and downtime. It’s more productive and engaging to have the ability to outplay than only count on your performance during a CC window.

I’d like to see Shaman issues addressed but it’s hard to say what would be the best solution when problems start at the foundation of the game’s design.

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