that’s true to some extent 14k to 17k isn’t a huge discrepancy.
That said, if you went into icc with a bunch of meme specs with togc gear, gl.
Guilds are farming rep night 1 to get rings, because they’re ~200 dps upgrades. 200 dps on ~15 characters is 3k dps. That’s the difference btn fire and frost.
None of them were expected to be bottom dps in Phase 4 so that argument is kinda flawed.
Regardless, that doesn’t change what Noxranna said. Someone has to be on the bottom. Even if they buff every single spec by 50000% so that bosses are one-shot, you will have someone complain that their one-shot is doing less damage.
Also, enhancer damage is completely fine? In addition to that it brings utility lol
Should be fine if you don’t go for the race. Unless you go with complete meme specs such as frost mage. People even back then cleared it and the best spec back then did as much damage as bottom (meme) specs currently
Ok dude, what im saying is even if you are on the bottom, a spec should not be carried by the entire team, ok? No one is saying buff everyone one to an extreme ok? No one ever said that they wanted to one shot bosses, what I am saying is no spec should be carried by their team just for being their spec ok?
According to the WoW community if you’re not playing the literal top DPS class and spec then you’re playing a meme spec.
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This was just an example. Enhancer shaman is doing enough damage. You’re very far from tank damage. You’re just not top dps lol. Just because you’re expected to sim the lowest it doesn’t mean your raid is carrying you…
Why do you keep bringing up top dps? I never even mentioned that, and yes the raid is essentially carrying you if you cannot keep up. I can see you’re trying to troll, but like I stated before no spec should be carried just for being that spec.
You’re literally trolling if you think just because you’re bottom dps the raid has to carry you man. Besides, you’re just bottom spec of the viable specs. The ones that are truly sad are specs such as frost mage and sub rogue.
Nope not at all. Its basically a fact. If you can’t keep up , you are being carried.
That you are my good friend. You do realize my argument is also for frost mages and sub rogues right? and any other sub par spec. ooof
If you play well as a “meme” spec and you’re not in a top 10 guild, you’ll never even be close to the bottom.
You never talked about those and yes those are actual issues with Wrath balancing and should be concerning. However, this is enhancer shaman thread. Enhancer shaman is expected to be one of the weaker specs, BUT FAR from actual meme specs.
Who the hell speaks about Frost mages, Sub rogues and other Pvp spec in Wrath. They simply don’t exist in PvE. Man you’re gotta be the biggest troll yet
I think you should calm down son.
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Dont need an enhance shammy fot the 10% atk power hunters or blood dk can cover that.
in 25m enh doesn’t have anything unique really.
ap - blood dk, mm hunter
melee haste - frost dk
lust, spell haste - resto
imp soe - very minor buff over dk - resto
You almost certainly bring these 4.
The only other thing you might be useful for is nature resist. The only other person that brings that is hunter, but its a sizeable dps loss for them. So, you kind of want a second shaman, but they don’t need to be enh. Or just make one of the hunters do it.
You didn’t, but tons of other players did.
It always has been. But you usually have that one guy on the LC that plays a shaman and just feeds the ench everything and is like… man… they say they arent good but when you are 300gs higher than most everyone else you seem to do competitive damage.