I hate to say it, but it’s true.
Let’s break it down.
You sim SLIGHTLY above the currently recognized meme specs, yet have the most complex rotation by a mile. Which means if you’re good, you’ll do similar dps on single target dummy fights. Also, you have no mobility, and you lose damage when the boss moves 5 feet. In other words, in the real world, you’ll do LESS dmg than the meme specs.
Ohh and you have worse survivability than any of the currently recognized meme specs, so you will be dead a lot more often.
It’s a meme spec…
On the plus side, just think how bad it would be if blizz didn’t buff fire ele.
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Enhancer was meme back then, is a meme in retail. Some things never change.
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There are no meme specs in wrath. My gawd this community is sad
If a spec does terrible dmg/healing/tanking, and offers little else, then it’s a meme spec. Doubly so, if your class has an alternative spec that’s far superior.
Arms warrior, terrible dmg. Fury, great dmg.
Arms = meme spec
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Kek… That statement is a meme on it’s own.
it’s actually not. It’s practically impossible to play it perfectly
So is every spec/class/et cetera. What is the room temperature IQ point that you’re trying to make?
it’s sad trashy trolls aren’t banned anymore
I agree. You’d be on a long time out. Enjoy the night you deserve.
kinda just got lost in the wind from the go. i rarely hear abt enh in both versions lol
Enhance and arms, BM are now part of the same club, Welcome brothers and sisters. Free wet noodles for everyone.
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The problem with this community is this
Not S tier… equals meme spec. I swear the simmers and basement dwellers like Ian and his boys at elitist jerks are what created retail. And here we are again with history repeating itself.
no such thing as meme spec when the content is easier then running a mythic 5 in retail lol
2009 called and wants its post back
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uh no there’s lots of tiers. the very bottom is meme.
s+ feral fire
s ret fury
a spriest boomy
b uh dk,
c = meme tier. Arms, bm, frost mage, subt
enh is at best b tier, probably c
I couldn’t agree more. Self aggrandizement of ego is a hell of a thing. People want to be the tip of the proverbial totem and cry when they are sub par. Imagine going into a raid and the lowest of low specs does more dps than you in a fight. People cry just to fill that brine pool of self subjugation and ignorance.
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For some reason Blizzard never liked Enhancer
is that your thing? play with scrubs and then stroke your ego when you do more cleave dmg on anub?
People will still bring Enhancement for heroism, 10% attack power, and the utility totems. Also how is the rotation complex? 99% of the damage is from “melee”, “windfury”, and “fire elemental”. You just press fire ele and right click the boss.
Not really for hero because normally you have an ele or restoration shaman
God I’m so tired of the simulation warriors flaming the forums, none of you are going to ever achieve bis so it’s irrelevant.