A Wushu alt appears!
throws rock “Oops, that wasn’t a Pokémon ball”
A Wushu alt appears!
throws rock “Oops, that wasn’t a Pokémon ball”
What has this Wushu person done to you?
Is that why enhancement wreks the meters in DF? Because it’s a meme spec? Tell me more, oh wise guru.
this is where I’m at, we’ve always been forgotten, but in wotlk everyone acted like they fixed everyone but we’re still forgotten
I’d argue wotlk was more fun than retail, but the problem here is I suppose is elitisms, weridos who love “optimized raid groups” , people who rely too much on addon. I don’t think retail needs to be fixed, I think it needs to feel rewarding to each class while make each class feel unique since IMO the classes don’t feel unique anymore, we’re no longer adventurers we’re cookie cutter npcs.
Meme spec is a stretch by OP. I think what he means to say is that enhance shamans are far less useful than other classes/specs that bring their buffs (10% AP/20% melee haste).
Most guilds will run a blood DK which can spec into both 20% haste and 10% AP which makes enhance shamans (and by extension frost DKs also) obsolete. That said, I think that frost DKs will still get some love because they’re simming well in ICC gear.
I can’t see any serious speedrunning guild bringing enhance, but I think your typical “semi hardcore” or dad guild aren’t just going to kick their enhancer to the curb.
Who makes these tiers?
The tierlist is based on simulation data which is usually pretty accurate. The caveat with sims being they usually sim a Patchwerk fight with no movement which is not how most raid bosses are.
No dk tank worth a blank is using double buff spec for 25m. Almost everyone has at least 1 frost dk for the buff, and if they don’t enh can get 20% with 2 talent pts.
Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The only reason to do it would be if you want to optimize a frost DK and enhance out of your raid comp, which many high-end guilds will do
seeing as frost will be the best dk spec, I doubt it.
If you want to put out good damage the rotation is very high APM and planing 3-4 globals in advance.
I like enhancement, wish I could recruit one
They def do less raw dps than say a frost dk, but I appreciate their flexibility and utility and they’re easier to gear (less contested tier token, for example)
Totems are obnoxious to use but they’re very useful
An extra lust for pet cd’s (infernals) in 25m is nice, and enhance are very helpful for my 10m rosters
Many people only feel the need to bring a shaman, maybe 2, but having an enhance on my roster makes me feel like we have the flexibility we need to deal with weird fights or absences or whatnot
too bad they’re so underrepresented but most people only care about being on the top of the meters, huh
As a fire mage with literally 2 buttons to press, I’m going to have to disagree with you here.
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