Enh is a meme spec now

in 10m maybe. in 25m everything you bring is redundant

lol no that’s not how you play enh

I honestly haven’t played with a Restoration Shaman in this entire expansion, every single one of my raids has had an Enhancement though.

A good frost mage can slap. Just saying

Thats interesting. Almost every raid I have been had an Ele or a Restoration. Especially Alliance side because thats the only true goat class

It absolutely is. I love to see smooth brained people cry over very easy content.

Why would I need to do that. I’d rather stroke the ego of the “sub par” players that made the instance a success.

You’re not an intelligent person. You’re a cry baby. You’re the pathetic, self entitled fool that everyone laughs at. You are the meme.


Why do you talk like a 12 yo? grow up

Not once was it mentioned that enhancement shamans should be the top, like not once, stop making up arguments and stick to the topic of enhance being meh

That’s your best retort? Did you think of that on your own or was it a group effort?

I never stated it was. Clearly the public education system has failed you. Reading comprehension is not a strength that you possess. You must be an alt of that slight minded “Wushupanda”.

Who makes these tiers? Who cares honestly WoTLK is so easy its mind numbing. My tier list is based on who is playing the class.

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Generally, I agree. But we don’t balance the game around your personal raid team.

to be clear, I am not asking for changes. just thought it was interestingly

Uh huh, sure buddy sure

You…you… your good you.

This is a very valid point.

imagine complaining about 14 year old balancing.
I’m sorry, but if you’re Hunter who chooses to play BM, or a mage who chooses to play Frost, that’s 100% on you if you want to shoot yourself in the foot.

Instead of Frost, go play S-tier fire spec.
Instead of BM, go play Surv A-tier spec.
Instead of Arms, go play Fury S-tier spec.

Also, learn how to use google. Cataclysm is coming. For your own sake, if DPS meters is all you have in your life, make sure to pick the right spec/class.


I’m happy your therapist makes money.

I’m not the one crying on these forums. “buwaaaa i’m not top dps buwaaaaaaa”

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Its ok bro, take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is another day to be a better you! :slight_smile:

never asked for a change

Someone has to be on the bottom. It’s the unfortunate truth of balancing. What’s important is that whoever is at the bottom is still capable of clearing the content - which the bottom classes can do, if all the people optimizing the fun out of the game would realize this

Wrath balance isn’t perfect. Far from it in fact. But it’s still a damn sight better than what came before it in TBC and Vanilla

Mate if they can give rets and ferals a boost they can give the specs at the bottom a boost, “someone has to be on the bottom” sure but why must they be so meh that they are essentially carried?