Engineering Profession Feedback

Engineering this expansion has jumped the couch! I’ve been an Engineer since vanilla, and this expansion the engineering is a punch in the face. We engineers finally get to use things in raids again, and it shares things with combat pots. IDK about the rest of you, but I don’t need to be playing healer during a raid & sacrifice my health pot, granted I know healers have engineering but by and large in antiquity, it was the hunters that had engineering because we flat out needed it.

Not to mention it is brutal to level, even with being able to buy things to level engineering with it is still off the hook messed up like an oil tanked running aground on a coral reef that had a home for wayward super cute, anime level of cute puppies.

I am really disappointed in this.


For me the issue is RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG is just insanely bad design.

I agree engineering shouldn’t feel like other professions. But I don’t think 3 levels of dice rolls is a remotely good idea.

Personally, what I would like to see:

  1. Pile of scrap sources increased including the ability to craft them with ore.

  2. Learning recipes is no longer random, but rather targeted.

Imagine this:
Instead of Scour Through Scrap to learn we have an ability called Iterative design.

The way it works is each recipe requires a certain number of iteration to learn. Higher value recipes require more iterations, simple ones like bolt for example only 1 or 2. The player picks which design they want to work on when they iterate. That recipe gets iteration progress. By default there is a chance a player can get 2 or 3 iterations instead of just one. The invention tree increases the chance of extra iterations, the minimum iterations, the maximum iterations, etc that you get when iterating. You can have notes increase the number of iterations and/or decrease the cost of iterating.

There is some level of RNG still present. But it would eliminate the whole getting a wrong armor type, useless recipe. It would allow players to choose what they value most to progress towards. And it would generally feel more rewarding with far less frustration.

And it would feel a lot more like actual engineering.


Ive gotten 3 scraps off kobold in 3 days playing…how the do you get anything to build?! Ive mined, Ived killed just about everything you can think of and have 3 scraps I cant even scrap because I have to learn or be level 25.


Certain kobolds and other humanoids drop them. But the best source I’ve found is treasures, like Pile of Refuse. I speculate killing and dismantling robot corpses will be a source before launch, but don’t know.

If you just want to test, Goes To Eleven server will just give them to you free through a vendor.

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The RNG of Invent and the low rate of return is not enjoyable and is punishing. On one Invent I got a tier 1 gear and nothing else. It felt horrible even in the beta where I could reset my CDs.

Additionally, obtaining 30 pages is a significant time investment. The reward of choosing 1 of 3 random recipes is not an equal output for that kind of input. For the current investment cost, the player should be able to choose the recipe they want straight up.

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Whoa… you got 3 choices??? I only got 2

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If any Profession is supposed to be advanced via some sort of mini-game, I should rather hope that an Engineering one would be fun and clever.

Cranking math and fighting cooldowns is neither.


It’s “green hills of stranglethorn” all over again, without the joys of hanging out with Nesingwary’s crew.


Absolutely nothing. I did however go test on the “11” server, and basically you need to get to 25 then go into the “inventing” tree. Put 10 points in, and then get a point in “Parts” this will allow you to basically “scrap” all previous and current expac engineering parts to get the rusted scrap. I like this as it makes it good to keep old stuff to use when TWW goes live. However, as is this makes the talent path absolutely locked as you will spend an already insane amount of time finding scrap to level that any relief is mandatory. They need to rework this profession as it is broken and will take an ungodly amount of time and effort to max out.


I’ll see that and raise you one.

The prototypes you get from scrapping have a 50% chance of being learned when you dissemble it (Don’t remember the actual spell and beta is down.)


Seems they have made some changes to the profession with the new build.
Scrapping can give “Unrecognizable prototype”
Hastily scrawled notes combine at 15 vice 30 (This is a big change I think)
Pilfer through parts is now learnable from the trainer.
Invent is now a 24hr CD.

Probably more, but those are the big items I noticed right away.

Issues: Currently unable to learn the “Tinker: Lightning Tether” schematic (which also does not show up in the unlearned items). AND I’m at the point where the last 2 times I’ve used notes to learn a new schematic all 3 choices are the tether, this effectively breaks the profession as I can’t learn anything else.
Also unable to craft “Lapidary’s Bismuth Clamps” and “Pausing Pylon”
Noted something I am really not happy about… you have to have 30/30 goggles/guns/bracers to be able to use “enchanted crests” this seems to now be baseline across all professions. Not a fan of the change as it will further isolate the market for crafting to those that grind it quickly.


So you can get scrap from the marked treasures like Machine Speakers Reliquary, Pile of Refuse, etc at a very high rate (I want to say 100% chance, but can’t confirm). You can also get them from those purple dirt piles on the ground (the ones you get the wax from, the ones generating those annoying “defend from the kobold” announcements). Those give a lot more scrap. Treasures typically give 1 scrap. The purple dirt piles give 2-3 scrap. There are some special named treasures like Etched Machine Speaker’s Reliquary that give 4+.

There are also some robots in the second zone, e.g. High Speaker’s Construct in Khaz Algar /way 49, 19 that are marked that they can be scrapped by engineering but do not currently drop anything. I suspect that when they get around to it, that will also be a source of scrap.

Oh, and don’t forget there’s a mining node we haven’t seen yet that is supposed to involve explosives.

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You can also sometimes get a choice between the same schematics, which kinda sucks.


I saw the mining node in a delve last night, however I was not on an engineer/miner so just had to stare at it in amazement.

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This. I’m stuck in beta currently due to this. I’m max level however I can’t learn anything else since it gives me the lightning tether tinker option x3 every time and the recipe is bugged/not in game yet. So I am unable to learn any new recipes until they fix it.


I think you missed the point many of us made that even with getting that stuff it is still incredibly hard to level up.

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So with the changes that hit now, your best source right off the bat is the pilfer ability. It allows you to get scrap from all the previous expac engineering parts. I had a ton of DF eng mats still, and got probably 2k+ scrap from that. Seeing how the price can drop on DF mats, it may be worth it to stock up on ore/elements to make DF parts so you can pilfer through it all to have a huge stock built up right away.


There is a reason for that, currently if you try to learn the prototypes by using them instead of scraping them for papers, you will brick your profession and it becomes impossible to advance past that point. There is also several more ways to brick engineering that I have reported but nothings been fixed or changed yet. Which is incredibly worrying because its very easy to perma brick the profession and with how its designed, you need to unlearn and redo it all again to even attempt to advance past the brick.


I have scrapped every prototype I’ve gotten, but definitely seems like there are some major issues they need to work out still.

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I would love to test this in beta, but I can’t even get enough scrap to reach level 5 to learn pilfer. I am killing literally everything I can. I am doing every delve, every quest, every bonus objective. This is absolutely a horrible grind and will be a nightmare for most players.