Enemy health scaling is out of control

I’ve had zero issues. Might be because I’m playing Rogue though. Rogue is the best open world class, hands down, next to like a Pally or something.

Stealth past everything, vanish what I don’t like, do insane single target.

When people were calculating their TWW main in DF, they weren’t thinking about open world and quests and Delves, they were thinking about single target raid and AOE pad M+.
AOE pad M+ is abysmal for leveling and the single target raid spec won’t help you in these zerg dungeons.

TL;DR: Class choice and skill issue.

I literally said “up to a certain point” in my post then you said the same thing…


The zones don’t have level scaling before you complete the campaign. Could you at least play the game before complaining?

Season 1 heroic dungeon gear. Were you expecting them to just fall over?

I easily destroy things in the open world in just honor gear I don’t know what you guys are struggling with

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Enemy scaling has no place in this game or any MMORPG. We work to better ourselves, what’s the point of gearing up if enemies take just as long to kill with full heroic gear than a fresh 80?


Funny, I’m killing things pretty quickly on my level 80s.

Must be a skill issue.

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You scale faster than the enemies do. They definitely don’t take as long to kill as when you freshly hit 80 unless you are doing something horribly wrong

“We heard that our top .1% of the population loves difficulty… So we made everything “difficult”. You’re telling me you guys don’t like our infinite treadmill we’ve now created?”

Seriously, this iLvl scaling nonsense needs to die. Either provide us with the Break even points so we know just how much of a mountain we need to climb and reduce its effectiveness across the board Or remove this stupidity finally from the game.

iLvl scaling literally defeats the purpose of getting better gear. If getting better gear makes the enemies take the same amount of time to kill…whats the point? If my character literally cannot progress within character power by getting better gear, seriously why bother? I am punished regardless of if I have good gear or bad gear now. I have bad gear, enemies take 10-15 seconds, I have good gear… enemies still take 10-15 seconds to kill. And lets not even get started on elites.


ugh that sucks… maybe we should all just slap on some level 1 item level greys and take on the end boss of the xpac for funz

You scale faster than the enemies do though. If you are having a hard time killing enemies you might want to try an intellect dagger and not an agility dagger though

Do I? Enemies still take the same amount of time to kill. Regardless of any iLvl upgrades I have or not.

And huh, Good catch on the look up on my character. The one dagger in this entire game that isn’t dual typed. How nice of them.

Why do you champion for iLvl scaling? What is good about it for you? Do you not like having real character progression when you get better gear?

It was added because people (not top 0.1% because they don’t do open world content) didn’t want to get a few upgrades from dungeons and then one shot every thing.

The fact of the matter is that you should be killing things faster as you get more gear even with scaling and if you aren’t then you are doing something wrong with your class

Well I can tell you, as having played this class for greater than 17 years, scaling is out of whack. I remember when they first implemented this trash in Legion. Why it’s survived since then is only because the developers themselves push thru us trying to fight back on its stupidity. You want to scale it up, do so moderately. And yes, the legends from the time are because the .1% in a certain lead developers guild were complaining that they couldn’t get enough people to join them in grouped content because the overworld content was providing good enough rewards. So they implemented scaling to make it so you were more forced into doing group content to be able to do your overworld content easierly

Why is it considered “fun” to fight the same enemy for 10-15 seconds after getting an upgrade when they were being killed for 10-15 seconds beforehand? It’s not. It never was.

And, if they’re going to keep this stupidity around, then the systems need to not compound upon each other. Aka, the scaling of Delves shouldn’t be compounding upon the already compounded iLvl scaling. Gradual increases. Not massive jumps.

Moderately outpacing it by mere steps isn’t character progression. It isn’t “You’re outpacing it”. Sure, if Outpacing is by 2 iLvls. Edit: Not that anyone even truly knows what the iLvl scaling truly is. Or where it stops. Or what its values are per iLvl. Only Blizzard does. And they always refuse to tell us what it is.

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Just wanted to share that I also predicted scaling issues going into the expansion because it has happened every time until new content is released (season 1). I am grinding quests to unlock the earthen race and leveling profs / toy hunting.

TLDR: Meta conversation is a dumpster fire in the beginning of expansions, be patient

I am pretty sure the version we have now is from BFA, it was the one thing I hated about it, people don’t upgrade their gear just to have everything else level up while the loot is exactly the same. I do believe you do out scale them mathematically as you upgrade your gear at level 80, but its by a ridiculously low amount.

Its longevity at the expense of fun and accomplishment. Remember the days you used to get a single gear upgrade and there was a noticeable improvement? Those days are long gone.


ill complain about whatever i feel like complaining.


Whew, I have to beat on these guys for a while.

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Leveled a new character since the changes, MM Hunter/No Pet.

Early levels are still easy in 480 gear ( I tested on a 415, yeah that’s a slog lol). As you level it gets more time consuming to kill regular mobs, but rares seem to be consistent. Also as you level to cap, small enemy groups become a real concern. (It was this way pre-changes if you got rid of your set pieces for the ilvl boost. 0/10, don’t recommend switching until you hit 80.)

After hitting 80, you feel weak as all get out. Once you start getting some 560-570 pieces it starts to level out again. By the time your ilvl 575ish, it feels just like 70 coming in on pre-patch gear.

I was doing a world quest last night, and asked my guild why the book that was trying to eat me had 8 million health.

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