Endless tank bottleneck

And the fact that all of the tank specs were all around really good in wrath.

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This was solved by adding 3 tanks classes to the game. DK, Monk, DH

Same as it always was, dual spec.

Don’t forget also jacking tank threat up to the point where it’s much much harder for incompetent dps to screw things up.

you need to establish why this didn’t work on retail.

It did, noone claimed it would give dps instant queues just that it would improve them.

I was around when all this stuff was first implemented, none of it every had long term staying power.

The only thing blizzard has ever done, ever, to increase tank participation was to introduce the bag that could give a random mount.

When they took that away dps que’s went from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.

When I que randoms on retail I don’t que as a tank, I que as a dps because I just want to go big D and pump. So realistically dual spec just incentives me to dps in pugs rather than tank in them. I will tank for guild groups regularly but I will rarely tank for pugs.

2 elaborate the problem statement is “People don’t want to tank.” That is the disease. The cure to that disease isn’t make it easier for people to do something they don’t want to do, its to make that a more desireable roll. You are applying a bandaid to a gunshot.

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Of course because once tanks get what they want they aren’t going to keep queuing. What that shows is exactly what people have been saying in this thread, tanking is generally less enjoyable than dpsing so over time you inevitably end up with less tanks queuing as they role dps alts instead of more tanking alts.

Which they’ve tried, there’s just not a great solution to it.

exactly why dual spec won’t, and didn’t, solve the issue. You have an equal number of tanks going dps to dps going tank.

It’s not a one time solution that permanently solves everything, noone is claiming it does. But it does help particularly early on.

Not to mention providing a lot of QoL improvement outside of just tanking for pugs.

give us DS!!!

I don’t like dual specs. They’re the part of “steps to retail”

Without dual spec you commit to your spec, learn to live with good and bad sides, or pay as punishment to respec.

Dual spec would allow stuff like - Destro warlock for raids and sl/sl for pvp. And warlocks would just dominate the universe in TBC. Now they atleast need to pick one.

It’s just a thing that damages RPG part of MMO. Then we will have LFD, achievments, multiple raid difficulties, systems, class homogenization, LFR and you’re in shadowlands already.

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Or, you can make friends with tanks by standing out in your skill and understanding and get asked by them to join their dungeon groups.

I haven’t had an issue getting a tank because I get asked by them to be in group. Helps that I spent all of classic building my reputation as one of the best hunters on my realm mechanics wise.

Heck, I got 3 hunters (myself being one of them, and a priest healer) to kill the last boss of AQ 20 after a should have been wipe at 95%, (tank got popped from the spire not being activated in time on the pull)

3 hunters playing it right can endlessly kite bosses that don’t do breath, speed boost, or charge attacks with proper aggro juggling. Add in a healer that can reduce their threat and he heals us through dot damage and we win.

Takes a long time tho.

Also, the fact I can triple trap and put 2 to sleep will make heroics easy (using readiness on the big pulls, I’m SV)

You want tanks, build your reputation.

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You forgot your mic drop*

maybe if you guys didnt treat tanks like hot garbage more folks would want to tank. Maybe.


If Tanks always did as much damage as Dps then there would be no reason to play Dps. You could just do 5 Tank dungeon groups. Don’t think you are thinking here about what you are asking for.

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I could not possibly love this post more.

This is exactly what players need to get through their heads.

Dual spec is not going to make you find a tank easier for a successful dungeon run. Becoming a better player is going to do that.

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Not at all. You can make the damage they deal directly proportional to the damage they take (From physical sources) so only one such person in a group can deal damage in this way.

its been like that for 15 years

This guy knows what he is talking about.

Although, I think a few changes would help alleviate this all.

In vanilla WoW / vanilla TBC, gaming was more social. Ventrilo/teamspeak forced you to be in voice chat so you had more people actually chatting while leveling. It created stronger bonds. I think this is also a factor in the tank situation. Now more than ever, there is either:

1.) Cliques (There were always cliques but its even more amplified now) Pretty much if you don’t have friends going into TBC, prepare for a rough ride.

2.) Selling runs (This existed in vanilla but at a MUCH MUCH less frequency as we see now) Pugging is actually harder because those solo tanks are not joining random groups, they are charging gold just to join you.

So with all that being said. Wrath of the Lich King had the real solution which some hate but really helps the solo player with no friends and that is: The Dungeon Finder

If TBC classic had a dungeon finder for normal dungeons at a minimum and for heroics/raids some form of bulletin board (No mods), it would make this game more modern. (Modern being a lot harder to be social. Not that people aren’t social, its just harder to find what you want. People selling runs, people only grouping with there core group (cliques)… It just makes it so hard)

This is my 2cents.

TL:DR: Solo / casual players would benefit from a dungeon finding tool