There are stupid DPS in groups if you’re DPSing too. I don’t see why that affects tanks specifically.
That’s a good one. Here are some others I see pretty consistently just in case non tanks think we’re exaggerating.
Trying to pull a pack back to make room for a patrol/fear/whatever and a dps warrior charges past you and roots the mob before its even in melee range of you.
Ranged pulls threat and tries to run away from it instead of bringing it to you and forcing you to choose between chasing that one mob to save them or holding threat on the rest of the group.
Aoe being dropped on a pack you’re still trying to bunch up and have very little threat on.
Not following kill order or otherwise popping all cooldowns and going ham on the mob the farthest from the tank.
Getting yelled at for a wipe after somebody butt pulls or tab target fails when all your stuff is on cooldown.
Anybody else got some good ones?
Because tanks are the ones expected to save people from themselves.
They’re really not though. You need to stop taking it so personally when people play badly.
People are going to play badly whether you’re tanking, DPSing or healing.
And being a tank and having a bad DPS in your group is a much more preferable situation than being a DPS and having a bad tank.
until tanks do as much damage as dps noboday will play a tank and even then people prefer to follow the tank as opposed to being the tank
Standing in fire then asking why the healer didn’t heal them.
called scapegoating. The tanks are the best target for it. If you dont know that then you dont tank frequently enough.
There is but not one that can be done in TBC because it requires a massive overhaul of class design. It would be going the GW2 route and instead of releasing new classes, you release new specs allowing each class to cover a mass variety of roles. For example, in GW2, the “shaman” and “death knight” classes are all specs under the necromancer/warlock in GW2 instead of being 2 seperate classes. So just by having 1 class I can fill the roles of 3.
I’ve always felt like it was better to be a smart dps then to roll a tank. It is not hard to tank a 5 man once you learn which high threat spells to spam. Every time I try to tank I feel like it’s harder because then you have 3 dps who are doing dumb stuff. Such a long list I could brainstorm of all the dumb things a dps can do.
One of the most obvious things is pulling before the tank. Or attacking mobs the tank hasn’t built threat on, especially with aoe. Then dying and complaining…but there are so many little things that a dps can do that are bad.
But one of the worst things a dps can do is have bad dps. You can have the most rock solid healer and tank, but it doesn’t mean anything if the target never goes down.
So this is my reasoning behind always being dps, rather than tank.
Probably the impatient DPS in PUGs that won’t stop pulling packs without waiting for the tank or healer mana and constantly pulling aggro off the tank and then complaining about getting killed all the while crying that the tank is going too slow.
Oh god the amount of DPS that don’t get that you don’t go balls to the wall on the mob right as I pull it. Thankfully no ones complained about getting aggro from that yet.
If you play a class that can cover two or even three roles… but you don’t have gear to support more than just DPSing… You’re part of the problem.
From 20-60 a 1h and a shield is all it takes to make a Warrior or Paladin a functional tank. Feral druids have even less excuse, they’re a button press away from being a functional tank.
I could understand a theoretical healer bottleneck more. Even then, Elemental, Shadow and Balance already have the stats required to heal any dungeon between 20 and 65 with zero issues.
The problem boils down to laziness and complacency. It always has.
Whining won’t change the human condition. Adaptation will lessen the headache you deal with though.
99 problems and forming a dungeon party ain’t one
Tanking is easy actually , the problem comes with the social dynamics with it . Its stressful for some and its not easy being the centre of attention for your entire group especially when it comes to learning. You are expected to know more than everyone in the group even if it is your first experience.
The only solution is to remove the trinity Tank /Heal/Dps and just be Dps. Honestly I don’t mind this . I would just go back playing fury all the time.
Nope. There is a solution. Duel spec.
My guild asked me to tanks some dungeons during the launch day. I was questing and open world pvping. capping the towers in Hellfire. I told them NOPE. I was going to enjoy the first few days just questing. And i am not going to quest with a Protection spec. If I had duel spec available i would have tanked anything at any time. It isn’t even the money " gold sink, lmao". It is the waste of time to leave outlands, remember what talents i had and apply them correctly, then get back to outland. I am going to spend my time of The first few days of the expansion playing and doing stuff I enjoy. I am not stopping and wasting time. Maybe tomorrow. Then i will tank for awhile. if someone says horde are taking over a spot and want me to come help do some open world pvp when i am prot spec, I will say, Nope. But if i had duel spec, would do it immediately.
No duel spec = keeping players from getting together and interacting. its like they want this to be a single player experience.
Everything is easy, actually. Quantum dynamics is easy.
People say everything about WoW is easy. But, relatively speaking, it’s a pretty difficult game, in general, from what I’ve experience among games, in general.
Tanking is the most difficult of the roles in a PVE environment, in my opinion, and not by a small margin.
i notice all the problem stated here can solve with cross realm lfg tool lol
That creates the problem of cross realm, as well as many other problems, and doesn’t actually solve anything (in my opinion).
The issue is solvable, add dual spec.
cross realm would add even more dps
Then why even in retail there are no tanks?