Endless Manuscript (random mount) the BoA version is hot garbage

So today they finally made the random drake manuscript account wide, which should be a win EXCEPPPPPPPTTTTTTT…

  1. It is a toy with a one hour cooldown.
  2. the buff lasts for one hour.
  3. the buff gets removed if you die

If this is a sign of how “alt friendly,” the War Within is going to make WoW sign me down


Wait so it doesn’t just work like the random mount button?

Also if stuff like the atomic recalibrator aren’t removed on death than neither should this. Hopefully just a bug.


I’m confused. What does a poorly implemented toy have to do with Warbands?

Also: they need to remove the cooldown and losing the buff.



Maybe English is just cursed, but my brain thinks sign me down could be reasoned to mean the same as sign me up.

In fact, now I’m wondering how sign me up makes more sense.

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Not directly related to warbands but the point of warbands seemed to be Blizz/WoW devs finally realizing account wide is a good thing.

The manuscript is something that was good, but when changing it to be account wide they made it substantially worse. So does that mean their thinking in War Within is going to be “well since this is available accountwide we are going to make it 50% as useful?” or “since this is accountwide we are going to make it take three times as long to get.”

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I think the take away is “blizzard can’t be trusted with toys”; account wide things usually fair better… Eventually.

Toys will sit unchanged for years though.


English is the worst, most confusing language as far as I know. Even we don’t understand all of the silent letters, multiple words that mean the same thing, words that sound the same but mean different things because they’re spelled differently, etc

The joys of borrowed words and their associated baggage.

You can usually get a pretty good convo here on gen discussion about the english language.

Maybe this is where we contain all the English majors so they can’t hurt everyone else.


It’s a sign of the WoW toy development team still not understanding toys are supposed to be fun.

looks at Jar of Sunwarmed Sand having a 24 hour cooldown


Maybe the toy workshop is where they send you as punishment at Blizzard.

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This is sadly the way a lot of toys work for some reason. We, as the community council, created this post almost nearing a year ago now. It still has YET to garner a response from Blizzard in any way.

We honestly don’t know why most toys have excessive cooldowns. And this one just doesn’t make sense. Before they made it a toy it was a self-buff you could bring off and on at all. Now you have to wait an entire hour just to use a stupid toy again.


Yeah, this toy really needed a ONE HOUR cooldown. Wouldn’t want anyone to abuse it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So clearly the hotfix should be reverted if it’s not a positive.

For a lot of people it won’t be a positive so perhaps they should. Some people specifically mentioned wanting to use ransoms but also have access to their full transmogs like the raid mount cosmetics.

Now because of the hour CD they can’t.