Endgame tanks in m+

Its stupid how much higher i can punch on a warrior alt than a paladin alt in terms of survivability with nothing but Shield Block, IP, and Spell Reflect


They are still much less tanky than a warrior, which would still be meta with a resto shammy if pally DPS wasn’t off the freaking charts.

I’ve got a 630 pally tank and this warrior that’s down like 10 ilvls. Pull for pull, this toon is far and away superior to pally for sturdiness.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, they should nerf Paladin tankiness AND damage.

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And much more simplistic. No worrying about rotating CDs or anything. Just refresh IP before the tank buster and call it a day

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Like I said Ignorant.


I wasn’t that worried about it. I’ve got a formula that works, a 2400+ DPS with lust was good enough for me. Lol

But yes, I do agree with you, either is fine.

And here i am with 10s not even considering Lust at this point lol

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Infinite scaling + competition = any differences in optimization are magnified.

All specs/classes are viable for the vast majority of content and the vast majority of players. All you’re going up against is community perception, which will always be a problem until you copy/paste every class/spec into the same 5 buttons with different graphics.

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Dks can’t survive a 17 NW, while paladins cruise a 20

Maybe if their perception was better it could be done

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Vast majority arent doing 17s.
Context is important

I don’t know, the rampant rotation/kick bots in pvp these days makes it a pretty strong contender for biggest joke. It’s insane that they still haven’t cut off addon API access while inside of pvp. It’s such an easy fix

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I would have thought the context is self evident, but thank you for your keen observation

Just get out of your chair and out Dorki in it.

“Not relevant for the vast majority” == red flag. It couldn’t be MORE relevant to the vast majority lol.

17 NW cleared by a DK

Lets see where the goalposts move now

Someone actually did it, impressive.

The goalpost is now comfortably on 18 instead

Could probably do it easily enough if they ran a Disc Priest + Aug like everyone else

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I’m sure nobody has thought of that

Prot Paladins were “viable” at expansion launch. So why did they cry up a storm and why did Blizzard buff them for no reason, since they were “viable” after all?


BDK due to its unnate limitations will hardly ever be #1

No need to change group composition when youre comfortably in title range, #1 BDK, and without running Meta

Not a thing.