Balance is really bad this season. In past couple of seasons you could get up to portals without noticing much of a difference between classes and specs.
This season by 10s the class balance is already becoming obvious.
Fixed that for you. Most of the time you need at least 10s before enh are good enough for it to be obvious what they can do. Ret paladin it shows up even earlier because the skill floor of that spec is silly.
Its true for all roles as well. I rarely see a Druid, Evoker or Paladin healer. Loads of Disc, Shaman and now MWs to choose from.
M+ should be removed from WoW entirely. PvP can take its place on the vault. M+ is a mini-game that has nothing to do with the Lore. Take it out of Azeroth and make it a mobile game. The poison spread throughout all group content due to the timer and IO scoring are immeasurable.
He’s just copy and pasting that same paragraph on every M+ thread. I asked if he could actually explain how M+ has done this in one of the other threads; I am not expecting a response. And if I do receive a response, I suspect it will be a deflection or some circular argument using additional internet buzzwords that carry no meaning on their own.
Representation isn’t one to one with performance. Monk is the least popular class and tank is the least popular role. So it stands to reason that brewmaster will not be well represented.
That’s like complaining that 97/100 people who can run a 3-minute mile are olympic athletes. When you start pushing the limits of what’s even possible, yeah it’s not going to include everybody because the tiniest advantage grows out of proportion.
Balance is screwy this season but the very top edge is not the problem.
I don’t know what to say other than gear wise there is no point in running anything higher than 10.If you really care so much about comparing in game pp size and rankings you will have to chase meta and give blizzard them $ for tokens so you can chase meta and get boosted.