Endgame feels terrible for casuals

That seems like an incredibly restrictive definition of “casual.”

Organized group content in some fashion or another has always been a requirement for improving your character beyond a certain point in this game. And there are now more options than ever for you to do it instead of just “raid or quit.” You can raid, you can pvp, you can run M+, and you have a guaranteed piece of 470 loot from visions every week (and 460 from the Darkshore warfront when it’s up).

If you can’t find something to do to improve your character, I’m not sure what else you want the devs themselves to do at this point.

Oh. Nevermind. You’re one of those.


You can already get 450+ item level without ever stepping foot into a heroic/mythic raid, or any m+ what do you want to get the top ilvl for doing world quests? if you want the best gear do the harder content.


I have to ask,WHY does someone who doesn’t push harder or higher end content need top end gear?


PvP requires skill to keep progressing. I think I understand why you’re so reluctant to admit it.


It’s not exactly about the need, it’s about the drive. Do you find the content you enjoy still enjoyable after the rewards have peaked? It’s hard to continue finding enjoyment doing the same thing over and over once the rewards dry up. Does that help you understand?


I don’t think a carrot on a stick is enough to convince people to keep going. If they don’t enjoy the content, nothing is going to keep them there forever. That’s what the next patch - or an alt - is for.

I don’t know it works for me, I was happy doing the same thing month in month out until Titanforge was removed. Just chasing the carrot. Once that went away I started feeling bored and stopped playing.

The idea of the loot not being there killed the fun.


Thank you.I’ve asked that exact same question many times before,and yet no one one,who claims to be a casual ever gave me an real answer.

I don’t understand this. The fact I can get to I level 450 on a character that has literally done nothing aside from world quests is to be honest more than I think I should be able to reasonably hope for as a casual.

For whatever reason either by circumstance or choice that We are not doing any sort of group or higher end content we as casuals shouldn’t expect to be within 25-30 I levels of people who are in my opinion.

Don’t dumb the game down to my schedule. People who aren’t casual should be way ahead of us who are.


You are welcome, and you get my last like.

I disagree.

I don’t raid, and the only time I run dungeons is when a friend has an open spot to fill, maybe three time per expansion, and I can’t remember getting any gear, let alone anything I could use.

But in BFA I’ve been able to gear up my toons doing WQs, Emissary caches, and Warfronts.

One of the reasons I like BfA is because I get the joy of progression without the drama of raids & dungeons.

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I don’t think there should be a reason they can’t continue to get a feeling of power increase, but at the same time, if they aren’t ever going to step into a H or M raid, what’s the point of the gear?

I don’t get my sense of self worth through a video game, I could care less if H raid gear was dropping from WQs, but if you’re not going to continue pushing content beyond what the gear is for, what’s the point in having it.

To go into LFR and top the damage or healing meters?

Agreed!! It spoiled ppl…they all still expect to get the best gear for minimal effort…not saying OP falls in to that category, although reading through their post, and follow up comments - eh, I’ll just keep my opinion on it to myself…lol

In the end, Blizz screwed the pooch with WF/TF rewards esp for doing nothing but a simple WQ and getting a piece of gear that potentially scaled 15+ ilvls. lol (Yes I know that you could get WF/TF pieces from more than just WQ’s, but honestly, from a stupid WQ?!?!?! Silliness.)


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I saved exactly 12 tortollans. I DESERVE 475 loot.

My phone autocorrected tortollans to tortillas. :man_facepalming:


:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

My apologies yes yes you deserves ALLLLLLLL the 475’s!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

lol As for the tortillas, hey your phone might be telling you something! :joy: :yum:


It tells me that Nomi has returned. THE TORTILLAS ARE IN DANGER! :scream::scream::scream:


At this point i just think the game is so big that the average human mind that design this game cannot properly manage it.

yeah man. hits the joint

It’s just there to make the character feel like it’s getting stronger. That what you are doing is actually doing something. Otherwise whats the point? Honestly I feel like many of us that want a progression system for lower tiered content don’t even really care if it’s the same level of Mythic or heroic. We just want to have a feeling that our character is growing at some level. There could be alternative system introduced to provide that, but I don’t know how they could do that without upsetting alt players, or raiders. Because then they will feel like they would have to engage in those systems. At some point though if people want casual players to stick around something will have to give. People won’t stick around forever with no rewards for their content. Titanforging has kept these players a float but thats completely gone so It’ll be interesting to see how things will work out in shadowlands if there isn’t another system of some sort to fill that hole for these players.


I’m casual.
The only mythic I did was 0 and that was because it was required for the alliance story.

I’m not too bothered by my ilvl.
All through legion I felt I had things to do. All through out BfA I felt I had things to do.

8.3 added so insanely little to do I got bored of it within 2 weeks.
There is no point in doing world quests, dungeons, lfr, anything really.

Shadowlands looks somewhat promising for content though.

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