Endgame feels terrible for casuals

No matter how much someone plays, if they play casual content, they cannot progress to true endgame levels of power and it feels terrible.

Casual content is stuff like heroic/normal dungeons, LFR, and world quests. If I get capped out on that gear after a couple weeks, what’s even the point of playing?

In a game like Diablo 3 I can play whatever content I want and at least progress a little, which feels good.

Give casuals a reason to play the game at endgame Blizzard. I may as well just quit once I hit max level because I cannot progress to real endgame levels of power no matter how much I play unless I do non casual content.

Time played should be rewarded not just difficulty of content played.


Agreed, all activities should give some currency, the harder the activity the more currency, you then can use that currency to upgrade your gear to max ilvl.

Also give more fun solo activities like visions/torghast

Now if some insecure pvers are angry that they dont get to feel special by hoarding all the mythic ilvl gear that is their problem, a game isnt a place to find your self worth.


I might be an outlier here, but as a casual player, most of the Mythic tier raids, and raids themselves are really casualized if you have a large enough guild. my guild has at least 1 raid going at all times. as long as i can play for more then 2 hours, i can normally snag raids, or just join in and talk as i play a Round of BG before i gotta get ready for work.


you are playing a very, very, VERY different game than 8.3 BfA

oh. so “casual content” is simple zerg fluff that requires no effort, ok… yes, you are going to hit a gear cap with that - and you should.

But you can, through solo play alone, get near mythic-raid-quality gear.

so, yea, the complaint that BfA isn’t casual friendly is frankly ridiculous.


What do you define as, “true endgame levels of power”? Full Mythic gear? What do you need that gear for? Those who do Mythic need it to keep doing Mythic.


you shouldn’t be able to progress to max possible ilvl by picking flowers and saving vulpera.


No you actually can’t. In D3 the best gear aka sets don’t drop before torment and you can’t get primals until you can do a gr70 solo. You do not need mythic level gear for heroic in fact it makes heroic a snooze fest to have it.


Well i am about as casual as you can get. I have pretty much completed the expansion. (My definition.) My DK and Shaman are about iLvL 445. So I’m pretty happy with the way things are right now.

Which is fine. I can pretty much run anywhere in game and can roll through anything I run. Not into Mythic dungeons, and have only done LFR. Shaman is in a Horde guild with a group that runs alts through Normal on off nights. Might give that a go. We’ll see how that goes.

If you want OP end game power, go do OP endgame content to get it. :slight_smile:


There’s more to the game than PvE.


Okay, so what are you missing out on by not doing Mythic or high M+ keys? What content specifically are you saying that you can’t experience?

What is this, “true endgame levels of power” if not Mythic?


And you can get mythic level gear from pvp.

You also have to get ranked which is not casual. Not just ranked but gladiator to get 475 cache gear.

Okay, so now you’re saying that you shouldn’t have to be skilled and have to work hard to get a really high ranking?

Or are you still talking about gear? Gear is only needed to clear the content. Everything you do can be done easily with the gear you get by doing it. And that includes playing at your particular skill level in PvP, which if I recall correctly has scaling too doesn’t it?


The scaling is trash. Go in ungeared and it’s not gonna be fun.

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Expand what you consider casual content. Don’t let the word “mythic” intimidate you into thinking it’s more than it is.

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Maybe low mythics can be considered casual content but anything that pugs mostly fail at is not casual.

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Okay, so your complaint is that players that are more skilled than you and who put more time and effort into the game are stronger than you…?


I just meant basic mythics (not +/timed) if you’re doing normal and heroic at the moment. If you become very comfortable with those, you can always challenge yourself—and the low ones I think are pretty casual.

The other way to raise your item level without worrying about random groups is through visions. Keep progressing your cloak and filling out the talents next to MOTHER. Bottom talent, you’ll be able to start doing mask runs. 1 mask is very easy, your item level is high enough now. By 5 masks, you get 470 gear.

Also, normal raids are flat out easier than LFR. They’re basically the same exact thing with better loot. And generally people paying more attention.


No, that’s the whole problem. It doesn’t matter how much time I put in, the content, not time is limiting how far I progress. And it’s more of a toxicity thing than skill when it comes to doing the more difficult content. The games not hard to push the right buttons at the right time. Don’t have the patience for the D bags.


The point is you’re capped out and it’s probably time to move on to more difficult content. That’s kind of how it works with tiered rewards.