END War Mode!

It’s funny how people hop around/get ideas about realms.

From what I’ve seen/heard, Emerald Dream at one time just had a lot of really good people at the helm of things, and thats why people wanted to be there. But most of those people have moved on from the game, or from ED, so the realm has suffered.

I think good leadership makes or breaks realms, and that’s what people hop around looking for the most. Hope we can get some folks on ED to step up.

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No…that style of gameplay is long gone.

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people hate getting ganked in warmode, so i keep it off. i prevent from causing trouble. cause they want to farm mats from monsters to kill. The problem is that people need to learn better. when i hear an insult from chat, i lock them up. sad. see, it is not the right way to treat people. it is just frustrating. that is why some people moved out to another realm not seeing others again moving on to a better world. i just play normal. but i will wait. i hated premades then left. that is what i said, let them have the bg and i will leave for a new quene and switch out.


Thats a lot of words to say absolutely nothing intelligible.

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true. it is disgusting. the pvp gear is not as good this patch. it was worse. they need to make it better in the new world. they revamped the level scale. it’s no good.

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I’m impressed people are still using this argument unironically. Wpvp in ED died long before warmode. Typical fox poster, totally insufferable, low IQ.


One can hope… those were truly the best wpvp in wows history. Im glad we got to partake in it :slight_smile:

Its simple though and you obviously are very biased. Insulting others doesn’t help.


Wpvp was dead on ED long before warmode came out. MoP was the last expansion to have any significant amount of open world battles.

Not to mention people in “wpvp” guilds these days just grief flight paths like it’s p2 in classic. Warmodes biggest issue is simply a lack of people playing on alliance. Other wise it’s objectively been the best thing to reinvigorate wpvp in years. Removing it so you can grief specific alliance guilds on your server will not some how bring it back. Ganking levelers in HFP was and always will be incredibly toxic behavior and saying otherwise just shows what kind of person you really are. Low skill, low IQ, do nothing loser. Like most fox players.

Have a good night :upside_down_face:


WPvP really does need a vision that’s relevant to the community. I never cared for FP camping and ganking levelers, and I guess I can say that because I have Alliance carebear roots. I have done a Crossroads raid before during Vanilla(sadly it flopped rather quickly). For a PvE server it was rather interesting.

Territory needs to be contested more, where the Alliance and the Horde will try to defend and gain places. Sadly I don’t think we’ll be getting anything like that next expansion. It will be more collaborative than competitive. It makes me wonder if it’s because the Alliance cried and cried about losing people, that all the guds went Horde and Blizzard gave the option in 9.2.5.

Since I’ve been in the Alliance for no less than 12 years, I know how my faction can be. Blizz never stops giving them what they want.


The whole point of killing lowbies, quest givers, or flight paths was to start a fight. And it worked really well. Its how most wpvp developed and grew. Communities sprung up around it.

Groups would actively defend areas because they knew those kind of people would come around. Whole WPVP guilds were built around it.

Used to be a guild called like Honor Hold Police or something that would just stay there all day and night defending from gankers. There were horde players that stayed in Thrallmar. The two groups fought over towers when they werent attacking the two quest hubs… It was fun, its gone now.

Darkshire, Crossroads, Saldeans Farm, etc etc. Whatever.

When people gained the ability to opt out, it killed that entire aspect of the game, and all those communities. And thats why the game feels so dead.

You didnt just get rid of the gankers, but you got rid of all the defenders and every other aspect of it.

People didnt know what they were asking to get rid of.


Sure they did. They just didn’t want it anymore.


This. We need that strive to get out and go in the world, anywhere, with good rewards too not worthless stuff.

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MoP had some nice open-world ideas, particularly Escalation for the Siege of Org. It’s funny how that got forgotten.

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I did enjoy the assaults in BFA, they were very unique of any expansion and i saw a lot of wpvp during that time, and not a lot of huge zergs, groups 10-20 at most.


I came from a pvp server, and it was cool having little squabbles with small groups. Now, it seems like every shard that I am in has either a horde or alliance deathball zerg raid just roaming around making life miserable for one side or the other. Sharding is a joke, WM is the cherry on top of that steaming pile of dog crap.


World pvp WITHOUT ANY gear diference for ANYONE al lvl 60 would be perfect.
That would bring back the good experiences old expansions had.

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alas, the pvp developers have hung it up for the expansion and left us with the one-shot meta now plaguing pvp :slight_smile:

Way better than Leg and BFA though. I’ll NEVER play those expansions on Classic.

I don’t really remember getting deleted in 2 seconds in legion or bfa though, it’s a tad bit out of control

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In Leg you can bet getting deleted fast like that, and BFA was just as bad in the inverse: a defensive meta that only makes you die tired…