END War Mode!

I know ya havent forgot, you cant keep my name out of your mouth.

Who’s not gunna miss me, the retail players I already don’t play with? Glad you felt the need to comment though. I’m sure others feel the same about you

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Probably! I’m a pita to fight against. Lots of my enemies would love to see me go haha.

Except my friends of course.

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Ok now I see how you think/reply. I expected as such lol.

Nah man just pop your follower dungeon instant que and you have a bubble-hearth on the GO! Instant Light of Elune hearth GG anytime anywhere baby

At least you don’t deny your wrong doings. A step to redemption.

The social aspect of wpvp is also what made it so great. Guilds fighting guilds, the big battles. THE BOXER WARS. lol. Fun times. Hopefully they can bring back pvp servers or change war mode for the best!

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The arguments were part of the War. The rivalry when it came to guilds or players is what made Wpvp great.

I haven’t forgotten!!!

This. It was what made it so fun and interesting. Anyone remember when we all went to Shattrath during the Christmas holiday and all the guilds lined up to celebrate and recognize everyone? (Emerald Dream)

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Yes! With all the bickering the guilds still got together for server events. I miss it so. Wm and phasing completely killed Wpvp. The only time you see PvP is durning spark quest. Makes me a sad mage.

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Exactly, and yeh we talked about it above the sharding… is HORRIBLE. That def needs to be like a #1 priority fix for war mode at minimum.

I’m on MG now and all the Horde have WM off. It’s ridiculous

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“I went Alliance on an Alliance dominated server and shard, where are all the Horde?”



Exactly :skull:

Just go Horde on that server and you’ll have plenty of people to kill haha. Someone care to shard me into Moon Guard? I’d love some folks to kill.

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That’s actually a good idea

When you turn off WM you will see all the Horde.

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Def a big point of why war mode is a big failure.

Moon Guard was never a PvP server though, so of course you’re going to see them with War Mode off.

PvP is already the minority population in World of Warcraft. There’s going to be more players with War Mode off because of that.

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They act like even when PVP realms existed people didnt just go to where their faction was 90% of the realm.

Or joined the “winning” team every time the faction favor changed.

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We were outnumbered many times, and won many times. Soo yehh…