End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’ve already explained my perspective and I’ve been playing since the end of BC.

I see that you simply read the first sentence of my response and ignored the rest. Cool.

BC was a raid logging expansion. Retail is bad, no doubt about it, but there’s way more stuff to do in open world than there was then.

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No I read it I just strongly disagreed with pretty much all of it so thought I would just mention the part I agree with.

And yet you haven’t explained why you disagree with it beyond “nu-uh, that’s not true!”

Way more boring, unchallenging tedious things to do, yes there certainly is.

Sure, but the BC dailies weren’t any harder or less tedious. Nothing can hold up when you do it day after day.

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For me, it held up for years. Now it doesn’t.

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The BC dailies? Doing simon says and capturing nether rays isn’t particularly challenging. It’s about logging in twice a week for raiding. There’s nothing else to do in classic.

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The thing about dailies is that, back then, they were new and exciting.

But we are now 15 years removed from when they were originally introduced, and Blizzard has done absolutely nothing to reinvent them. World quests are daily quests, except now you don’t have to turn them in, which is about as inventive as it has gotten.

Daily quests worked in TBC because they were new. They don’t work in Shadowlands because we’ve done them for eight expansions, and they all pan out the same.

Maybe for a few days, but it’s same the dailies day after day and month after month. In retail you can get full epics by doing them. I’m not even sure what you get in BC…mounts?

They have made the game better and better for casual players over time so idk why people make it out like they are making it worse.

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This is not an explanation. In what ways have they made it better?

I put one reason in another topic Avel:

It is not that there is not anything to do solo, but that the stuff they do have, due to the extreme on the other end is dull, boring, repetitive and feels unrewarding.

You havent played since vanilla have you?


I have, not that I need to prove that to you.

must be the rose tinted glasses. Carry on

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Care to explain for him, then?

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don’t have to. You just proven my point. Funny you’re also posting on a classic toon

And FFS, they even made Simon Says group content.