End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

So you don’t have anything to counter what I’m saying, either.


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dont have to. But keep complaining. It’s entertaining enough

Didn’t realize formulating reasonable arguments around why Vanilla/older expansions were more casual friendly meant I was complaining.

You must not know what complaining means.

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I think they saw that Elder Scrolls Online actually solved the problem with new players coming in late and friends not being able to play with their friends that have been playing for the last 5 years and actually made the entire game scale to your level. They do not make gear obsolete because a new expansion is coming out. You can do day one raids and get gear and it’s still good because it all scales. You can do anything.

I think Blizzard tried very hard to do the same thing and failed horribly at it. They already gave us gear that scales while leveling and then nerfing everything and then adding world scaling made it suck. The issue is all expansions except the one we’re on are obsolete. They could fix so much by scaling everything like ESO did. Maybe people want to raid old raids? There is no point currently besides transmog. Big woop.

I would love to go raid kara with a group of people and get gear that would help where ever I wanted to play… I hate how limited you are in WoW.


This is an MMO RPG. M M O

Blizz adding more and more solo stuff to the game is what is killing it. I liked your post because you put a lot of effort into your post and I agreed with some of it, not all of it, but you had a few good points there.

WoW is STILL the worlds top MMO. They have already knocked FFXIV out of the water. FFXIV is now losing subs faster than WoW currently is. WoW has 1.3 Million subs. FFXIV had 1.7 million subs, NOT the 40 million they falsely claimed. The people who play WoW play it more than the people who play FF do. Lost Arc seems really great. I am going to play it, but I WILL NOT unsub from WoW as I do so. A TRUE gamer can play more than one game at the same time. Lot to juggle, WoW retail, WoW Classic, Lost Ark, Halo… Im officially a no life loser now… Oh and I also play StarCraft a lot too.

And HOW MUCH of that that I just listed up above is solo play? Quite a bit of it is, Classic is a solo play game right now when it comes to questing.

Their is NO war against solo play. Maybe this MMO is not for you if you are not liking the solo aspects of it.

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I don’t think it is killing it, but maybe they need to go the quality over quantity route.

This is more the issue, the content is indeed there, but it is not really fun or engaging. Maybe some are asking for more when really, they just want the current to be better.

It is a game, games are meant to be fun, often with a bit of a challenge to overcome (even Donkey Kong got harder the more you progressed through the same 3 levels, and world 8 Mario Bros is quite a bit harder then world 1) so why do people ask for things to be nerfed instead of trying to get better?


An overpowered solo player in an mmo who does some hardcore stuff but perfers not to but only does it for power sake and leaves as soon as they can to than lord over those weaker than them and goes and does other content that is low level or use to be group content. what do you classify that type of player?

I am juggling WoW, siege, and zero hour right now not including mlb the show

WoW is my only computer game, though I dabble in Starcraft II every now and then. Outside of that it is Nintendo Switch or classic games (Mario Bros, Ninja Gaiden, the older Final Fantasys, etc) how ever I can access them.

Oh man that brings back some memories.

Siege and Zero Hour I play on PC, very fun tactical shooters. MLB the show I play on playstation.

This is false.

This is not the case. We’re about at the point where oeople who raid savage are fully bis and done with the side content and just raid log which is why queues have declined so much since people got the raid tier over and done with.

They said accounts, which is accurate. Same technicality when Blizzard used to say 100 million accounts, or even 10 million.

They report players as subs. And they report all toons as players. So if I had 12 toons over there, they would count that as having 12 subs from just one person. FFXIV not a bad game. Not bashing it. Just saying its not all it is hyped up to be. This game is better and even when I begin on Lost Ark… I will still play WoW just as much.

This is just false. If it specifies account, which the claim does it means accounts registered. Free trial does count, as it does with WoW.

I don’t know what point you think you’re trying to make. If the game isn’t your thing that’s whatever but don’t accuse them of deception because you can’t understand sentence structure and what’s actually being said.

There’s also no reason to play more than one character unless you’re a hardcore roleplayer. Whereas WoW censuses aren’t allowed, but are a per character basis. A few months ago we had wowranks which showed the game as having 1.6 million characters engaging with Shadowlands as far as having a covenant. Not players, characters. The average player has two, maybe three characters these days.

You don’t need to worry. WoW isn’t going anywhere. People still play Everquest.

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Quick bumpity bump before bed :sleeping_bed:


Yes, a lot of longtime WoW players feel that solo content (and even queueable options such as dungeon finder and raid finder) are what’s been killing the game, and devs obviously felt the same way or else they wouldn’t have nerfed or removed so many solo gearing options going into Shadowlands.

But logically, it makes no sense that the game would grow by appealing to a smaller, more hardcore audience while also removing meaningful endgame power progression for the many solo-minded or casually minded players. And while we don’t have exact numbers, the approach to gearing in Shaowlands has not exactly caused the game to grow.

If Blizzard published official numbers on raid participation, as well as monthly subs, then we might be able to draw some conclusions—because the way I see it, WoW’s dungeons and raids are always good, so the variable that would cause subs to fluctuate is what kind of content and rewards are available outside the main PvE content.

Yes, if you include Classic, and a lot of that is WoW’s momentum, history, and community. Shadowlands as a debut MMO would not have reached the top.

Starting with Shadowlands, the devs did in fact start waging a war on power-related rewards from solo content.

I am OK with the solo content not always being the best, because I know what WoW’s niche is, but it is downright non-sensical for example that Torghast does not award gear, despite being max-level dungeon content that has already been developed.


I’d argue that there are plenty of solo players who aren’t uber casuals and would love to be able to step foot into higher content without having 19 other people. I hope that one day blizz’s AI can work something out for m+ dungeons or something along the lines of that. Islands were pretty successfully done.

But absolutely add more in for casuals everywhere.
This thread has had a TON of traction in such a short amount of time!


On that same line of questioning, what do they consider a player, who plays with one or two friends, consistently every night, but only does legacy and open world content, and just wants a progression system that allows them to make the legacy content a bit easier each time they go back, since Blizz messed up scaling with the level squish. Was easily solo’ing several mythic antorus bosses pre-squish, not so much now.

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Well if thats the case then we still have hope. I played that game back when it came out. They always tried to compete with WoW. Everytime you saw a WoW box there would be an EQ one right next to it. And they had the blonde sorceress girl with the staff on all their covers.

Ive always gone in there on my pally rogue or warrior and do it all alone. It is much more fun than any of the dugones. Seems like they put a lot more effort into it than they did for most anything else this expac. Hope next expac has something similar to Torghast.

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