Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

In some cases, it seems like the amount went up, but the quality went down. Some seem to look at the amount alone and think that should keep solo players happy, it does not, but at the same time the ding-a-lings that complain about things being too hard make it so that any solo and/or world content is nerfed to no end, often taking the fun out of it because they are idiots that think only gear matters

Really, more people would likely be happier if they were more like have fun to get gear instead of get gear to have fun. The first can enjoy the content and progress while having fun, the second leads to being miserable because the gear is useless unless you have something else to do, that you want to do, solo or you move on to group content.

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