End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Sure, sure. And the sky is maroon.

Not my fault you can’t handle an argument.

Selling guild carries is not RMT, but you keep being spiteful there.

That maybe so,but was a pretty good wipe out :smirk:

Says the alt threatening to report me for RMT, when I’m not doing it. :joy:

I just got back, calm down. I know that you have to resort to achievement lurking because you have no argument, but if you need a carry, send me a message and I’ll give you a discount.

And then you can go back to pretending you’re CE.

People buy heroic raid clears all the time. Mythic is prohibitively expensive for most people.

Exactly. As a solo player there is currently no difficult content available to us that reward improved gear. All the content we have available to us is mindless, boring, long and grindy crap. My rewards equal the content I do and are adequate to do so.

BUT it takes 2-4 minutes to kill some of the elite world rares I still want items from. Shoot, shoot, interrupt, dodge, shoot, shoot interrupt, dodge. Now all the surrounding mobs start respawning so I have to kill/re-kill them. When the elite gets low health I don’t have enough power to kill it before it casts it’s 7 second uninterruptable stun or immunity spell that I have to wait out before I can finish killing it.

Did I die? No. Was it hard? No. Was it fun? NO.

If they don’t want me to have a path to better my toons power as a solo player, then they better come up with some better world content than an obscene amount of rares with huge health pools and nothing else interesting about them that reward a re-colored pet or toy that I already have 8 copies of.

World content has never felt this awful in my history with WoW.


That is the solo portion of the game yes.

Its part of the game to progress in difficulty to the harder parts, which requires teamwork and effort. In dungeons, raids, and PvP.

If you want a fulfilling solo adventure, go play Skyrim. In an MMO like WoW, the solo portion is just there to deliver story and get you to the next group activity.

If you don’t like it, the unsubscribe button is right there in the client.

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No, she identifies as a raider. She belongs to a guild that quit raiding at the time she joined them and is expecting to raid when 9.2 starts.

At least that’s how I recall the explanation went.

She deleted her account after making a big deal about leaving, but she’s back. Why is anyone arguing with Yesuna here?

Go scroll up and see how she was insulting casual players and telling them to go by boosts for solo progression gear path. She literally told people to go get boosts and not ask for solo stuff >.>

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You must remember Yesuna. This is how Yesuna posts on all the characters she has posted on.

I don’t remember anyone like that. Wouldn’t put any mental energy to remembering someone like that either.


Level 45 panda.

Ohh. So that’s who this is ,no wonder.


You don’t have the gear or achievements to do so, so this is a lie.

Long time ago, huh?

According to you, you joined WoW at the end of a patch.

So you’re just a liar, then. You’re either on an alt account, or this is a new account (AKA new to the game) and you haven’t actually sold any carries. Either way, you’re lying about something.

Troll harder.

No, you misunderstand me. I don’t care that I’m not AotC. Unlike you, my entire ego doesn’t hinge on whether or not I clear content in this game.

You know, the content you haven’t even cleared yet.

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If it is Yesuna,she did the content of the game but lost it all by deleting her account so those achievements wouldn’t be on her profile,she basically came in as a new character and has to start all over.

She can identify as a raider all she wants. She’s not actually a raider until she’s actually cleared anything.

So it is an alt account, but technically her main one because she didn’t have the brain cells to keep her old one.

Got it.

You see a delete is permanent ,that’s her for sure .She does the same behavior,she’s back get your pain killers ready we’re in for a wild ride.

When did you start playing? It used to be that there wasn’t any world content outside of dailies that didn’t award anything you’d want.

I know, which is why I said she lacks the brain cells to have kept her old one.

Pretty hilarious to me that people will spend money on something, permanently delete their account so that all that money is gone, only to buy everything all over again down the road.

Though given her attitude, hardly surprising.

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I already explained why I prefer WoW to Skyrim.

  1. Difficult content doesn’t HAVE to require teamwork.
  2. I never suggested it shouldn’t require effort. In fact, I stated EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of that in my previous reply to you.

I agree. They have made the game WAY more casual/pug friendly since its origins. Thats why I get so confused when people try to say that they are “ruining the game” for casuals or solos or whatever. They have made it progressively better and people looking back have some serious rose tinted glasses on thats all.