Hunter pets are OP. Every class should get one. And feign death too. VW sac is nice. Oh and rogue vanish. Really not fair only they have that ability. Give it to everyone.
Or recognize different classes have different strengths and weaknesses. And removing some because ‘it’s not fair’ is crap design.
I completely agree. I don’t think the flask is the problem, the problem is the leave group/hearth mechanic. Security blankets don’t belong in hardcore.
They didnt even use petri to beat naxx. They just played the mechanics correctly. No petri and we would still be in the same place.
After some thought they really should either remove petri or preferably give pallies back bubble hearth.
Whats good for the gander is good for the goose.
Pointless to play HC past 60 because of this. Playing meta might as well be softcore. And I, like most players, can’t enjoy games without playing them efficiently. Self gimping isn’t an option. This needs to be removed from the game because HC becomes SC at 60 for dungeon running.
Hunter pets, feign death, VW sac, vanish are all OP, but none of them provid a 100% failsafe way of getting out of a bad situation with 1 hour CD, bubble+HS does though. And only for one specific class. It’s very simple and sound logic to understand, if you are willing to…