it should obviously be fixed/removed
but they won’t, because some streamers told blizzard not to
pretty sure that’s the reason
people should be banned for abusing the unstuck feature too
or just remove it. if your character gets stuck and you don’t have your hearthstone for some reason, oh well. gg. reroll.
This wouldn’t solve the problem. The issue is petrification flask lasts 60 seconds but logging out only takes 30. Regardless if you made the “teleport out of dungeon” 10 minutes that timer still ticks down while offline (as otherwise people could troll groups by logging off to not be kicked)
Having a cd on the flask just means people would only raid while the flask is off cd.
Then they might as well say DC = Death. Yes the game can tell if you alt + F4 however if they made this how it works it wouldn’t stop people from manually pulling out their ethernet cable. Would take a bit longer but you could still easily do it in 30 seconds.
At least deaths are actually happening now. HC Elite excused so many deaths it became a clown show.
We actually see dungeon/raid deaths and wipes near daily now. Odd how when the deaths can’t be appealed mysteriously we go from almost zero 60 deaths to a decent amount
- Reduce the duration to 15 seconds.
- Increase the cooldown.
- End the auto teleport out of the dungeon.
- Disable auto unstuck for Classic HC.
Disagree with this one.
Severely limit the number of times/frequency that it can be used would be fine.
this will never happen bro, kt is ded, nerfs should be very unfair for the next guild trying the real raiding scene and not the forums gameplay.
deal with petri flask killing “Da SpiRiT”
I don’t think petrification flasks need a change but I do think the ghetto hearth does and its timer should increase or simply not kick in if you were already in combat, or engaged in combat. Something along those lines that prevents or reduces the amount of people using it to bail on a group to save themselves via this ghetto hearth mechanic.
They should either change petri flask + ghetto hearth or allow paladins to bubble hearth
This, it seems inconsistent to remove one version of escaping death (which was a famous feature for the class) but still allowing other forms of it. Although it’s on brand for paladins to get the unpleasant end of the stick in every single way during classic
I can’t believe Blizzard went through all the trouble of removing bubble hearth, putting together a ‘death is permanent’ video, and even created a debuff to punish people for fleeing from duels, to just turn around and turn a blind eye to petri alt-f4/drop group abuse.
Yeah I’d rather them just fix this abuse than revert any changes.
Petri flask escape is needed. WoW isnt meant for HC and there are 100000 BS ways to die that are mostly out of your control. Petri is the only safeguard against it. Bubble hearth was removed because it was a free escape only available for 1 class on 1 faction.
Hate to break it to ya but HC would die faster than a fart in the wind without petri escapes. lvl 60 attrition would be too high. no one would risk their character after the first week of full party/raid wipe compilations because the tank missed a taunt or something.
People who want petri’s removed are probably the same people who ripbozo their own guildmates. Just trash human beings who don’t want to see other people succeed, while they run around barrens looking for a WC group. SMH.
Petri-hearth functions the exact same as bubble hearth so they should just re-enable it if they are going to allow petri-hearth.
That’s the whole point of playing hardcore is the risk. If they don’t want to risk losing their character then they should play on a normal realm.
People that use petris are people that shouldn’t be playing HC. Just go to classic era.
Tank dies? Petri, go next.
Healer dies? Petri, go next.
Anyone dies? Petri, go next.
Uh oh, someone pulled an extra pack and no one even died yet? Petri, go next.
Yeah, don’t bother trying to save a scuffed encounter with something like a Hunter distracting shot, or a Mage kiting a boss. Hybrid healing after a healer dies??? What is this, CLASSIC ERA??? PETRI, GO NEXT.
Bad logic… bubble+HS was only available to a specific class, petri is available to everybody. Have a good one.
People still die in dungeons even with petri, plus I’d rather see people do dungeons with petri than just skip them.
And people that want Petri oil to stay are playing the wrong game. The tab for Classic Era is right over there. Yep, right there. Click that. That’s the game you want.
I disagree. I think the game slowly dies out now that it’s been “beaten” using the soft core hack; after what, only 2 months since release. I think the drive to see if could actually be done in true hardcore fashion would’ve made the game stand the test of time.