End the abuse in HC: Petri flask 5 min cd, dungeon teleport to 2 minutes

She was never edgy.

Not being edgy at all. You come off as severely unwell, mentally, and I doubt it happened overnight. My empathy extends to circumstances, not behavior.

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Would a hug help, friend?


Personally would like to see Petri flask removed as well. Raid wipes should be a thing if a player makes mistakes. That makes it more important to coordinate things in raids.


That’s a lot of words to say you want to cheat the system.


I believe a better version of (semi) HC has death within a raid only prevent you from re-entering that raid for the week, but bottom line is the game we have is the game we have and petrihearthing is unquestionably in violation of the spirit of this iteration of HC.

Are You a top player? Gladiator ? Are You in a top guild? Have You gotten lvl 20 in hc? Show us how You play without petri on raids and pugs.

If You are not trying a first world record, i don’t get your problems with petri.

Remove petri and hc Will be dead forever. People needs to avoid rng Bugs, dying to dc, griefing, But You are interested in a flask. Clap.

And who decides what’s the hardcore spirit? You? I think blizzard is.


Imagine stop enjoying the HC experience/trip because You now know about a lvl 60 flask… Anti petris are mostly Anti hardcore who wants to see full raid wipes, people stop playing and then they Will Say “hardcore was ded before reléase” You won’t find an active Raider who is Anti Petri, maybe a few streamers that blame gold buyers But they accept every trade at lvl 1, Even fiery weapon enchants.

Theres no difference between rmt and a streamer.


Hmm, resorting to ad hominem? Are you mad because people are calling out people cheating?

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That’s utterly ridiculous.

The best thing Hardcore servers have going for them is their emphasis on the journey. Every other version of WoW focuses on the end-game…including Classic Era. Do you want Hardcore servers to lose their identity? Do you want them to become another raid log game? Because that will be the death of Hardcore servers.


Imagine imagining. Used be a beautiful positive word…

Don’t know where you’re getting your stats from. Pretty sure you’re just assuming that.

Of course you won’t! They want full raid geared characters. Which is fine and great but I personally would like to see them full raid geared without a fight reset mechanic.

Problem is, and I said it above, instead of wiping and trying again like in original Classic, they flask and try again. There’s still some that will die cause they didn’t flask in time or raid panicked and left you to die cause they all popped theirs early, but in the grand scheme of things the flask makes the raiding normal Classic mode, not hardcore.

And maybe Blizzard is fine with an out in raids (though the flask works anywhere so you always have an out). If they are, I actually like someone’s idea above. Remove the flask and make it where if you die in raid you’re locked for the week.

I don’t care as much about it existing as I do the fact that people drop group when no one’s even going to die and then they cause others to die.

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Most of the people here don’t even understand how people are using it.

You still see videos of people using them and waiting 1m for the dungeon hearth cd and sometimes failing as a result.

Really you just petri and alt-f4 to instantly logout. The disconnect timer is 30s, so your character disappears after 30s while you have plenty of time left on the petri. Then you use the account features (https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/wow/197/834/solution) to do the free unstuck service while logged out, and you’ll be in a safe zone when you log back in. Alternatively, if you just wait a while and log back in you’ll be at the entrance to the dungeon. So as long as you aren’t killed before you can petri or doing something that penetrates petri (e.g., the 4H aura) there’s no way to die if you’re prepared.

No-one is really hardcore raiding. The raiding guilds have used this extensively to avoid deaths.

Really this is just imposing an additional cost on raiding in that you have to bring petris.


ahhh so thats how that one guy didnt die! I watch some video he pulled and something bad happened and I think i saw 20+ mobs in the raid and they guy said, im going to alt f4 and he did that and logged back in fine. I didnt see he did the potion click before the alt f4 but that explains alot now.

Maybe they should just put in hardcore if you alt f4 for any reason even in town, you instantly die.

But i’m not raiding in classic (probably wont even make it to level 60 in hardcore) so it doesnt effect me.

I’m just an impatient person and if i can heartstone to a place to save me 50seconds of walking, ill do that hah

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Yeah you’re thinking of the frontier video in BWL where the hunter mispulled and petri->alt-f4 next to 20 mobs to avoid dying. But that was only half of the process, as in that case he didn’t have to use the unstuck feature. But guilds like frontier have been using this extensively to cheat deaths. With alt-f4 its far more guaranteed that your character won’t die, and there’s no timing issue. You just petri at the first sign of trouble and then you have 20-30s to alt-f4. You could stand around for 10-20s to survey the situation if you wanted and then alt-f4. Unlike the hearth method, unstuck also allows it to work while outside.

Most people thinking about petri think about the “old” process of leaving group, waiting for the ghetto hearth timer to pop-up, and then using a petri, which was more prone to failure. Petri->alt-f4->unstuck basically removes any window where it can fail.

Even they joke about how stupid it is. But no-one is going to stop doing it and its not their fault for using it while its an available option. If you’re playing to win you play to win and use every option at your disposal. Only blizzard can fix it, but I doubt they will even though literally everyone knows it dilutes the integrity and accomplishment of the game mode.

But its basically too late now anyhow as they’re already about to kill KTZ in the semi-hardcore petri game mode.

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Personally, I can’t tell the difference between a top guild and players that have the ability to play all day every day.

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This is exploitive gameplay on a HC server. You depend on the mechanics of dropping group and being immune to give you a free ride out of the dungeon.

  1. Dropping group and going immune is scummy and encourages degenerate gameplay.
  2. All other self-res, soulstone, and bubble-hearth were removed from HC.

Yeah, I get the first one doesn’t mean anything to a lot of folks but given how much positive community engagement I’ve seen on Skull Rock, I want that to be first and foremost.

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You don’t actually have to depend on drop group mechanics. You can just alt-f4 and use the online unstuck feature. Waiting for the group drop to hearth you out is what newbs do, knowledgeable people petri → alt-f4 → unstuck (or just do something else for a bit until it automatically returns your character to start of instance, which is what it does when you’re offline for a while). Petri->alt-F4 has essentially 0 risk once the petri goes down. So unless you fail a raid mechanic and get one shot you can exit a fight at any time completely safely. Using petri->Alt-F4->unstuck also works outside of dungeons.

Also alliance were allowed to keep a 1-time use bubble hearth with the light of elune/hearth macro, while horde are SOL.

They were very inconsistent in their removal of bubble-hearth mechanics, probably to the detriment of HC.


The black lotus drama and effect continues and exists in any version of Classic Era.
One item driving the gold farming.

It really doesn’t.
It was drastically increased the spots where it can spawn and the respawn cooldown reduced drastically.

I’ve linked the source that tells you that exactly.

On top of that, put so many layers that players can hop to get a new lotus.