End Premades

This guy Ank has gotta be the sweatiest dude on this forum. Your worse than the people who are complaining about premades.

Premades do face other premades- but now that you’ve proven pugs are just as competitive, I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m stomping on those equally skilled players until they hide at the GY like punks. :smirk:

LoL so you basically just have no comprehension of the difference between a random team vs a premade.

Man it’s really hard top even consider premades being better when people like you demonstrate a basic lack of understanding of team play.

Says that guy that doesn’t get that one of the skills you need in a team game like WoW is the ability to play with a team. :smirk:

Except you still up on a team when you pug :slight_smile:

And how’s that going for you? Oh right- it’s going thousands of posts of nonstop whining about it for you.

Wow, you must really be a great team player. :smirk:

/shrug we’ll see how blizzard responds long term.

Do you think skill in this game is determined by whether you pug or premade?
Just curious.

Over 700 replies

Can we please get a Blizz response?

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If you can’t play well with others, you’re missing a pretty massively crucial skill in a game about playing with others.

There’s duelling tournaments for those that think they’re the best solo player ever- but if you’re in a 10v10, 15v15 or arena 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 guess what, you better know how to play as a team.

Not that it really matters- pretty much everyone, whether premade or pug, is pvping solely for the gear, and they’re going to get it based on time spent. Sure, you’ll spend less time if you’re skilled- but just look at Brut, solo player never wins, took him several months longer playing 18h/day but he’s getting his r14.

So ultimately, the only ‘skill’ you need for rewards in this game is time.

I’ve actually been seeing less premades…

Any chance there was a change?

It’s going to slowly occur- most premade groups rotate in the players to get HWL/GM and boost them up, a process that can take months to get everyone their rank.

Most of them were rank 6+ when BGs came out, and it’s been months since then so bit by bit people have been reaching the end of the grind.

Not to mention with AQ40 looming, pve gear finally catches up to pvp gear, so expect to see people that don’t have their r14 give up on it.

Agreed. Add solo queue. It ain’t that hard.

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I hate to say I support separating premades from pugs. This is not the Classic experience, and it’s highly frustrating. How can somebody that just wants to have fun survive in this environment?

Joining a premade means other people telling you to play how they want, spec how they want, and perform the role they want, or they kick you out. Classic didn’t have this issue to such an extreme extent, and joining a pug bg didn’t automatically guarantee you’d get roflstomped, and have people staying in ghost form to end the pain.

I don’t want Discord to be a mandatory part of my honor gains and fun. Discord destroyed Classic PvP.

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Welcome to Vanilla, enjoy your stay.

The meta may have been different out of ignorance back then, that mixed with smaller servers and guilds often meaning bad comps out of necessity in premades.

But certain specs not being allowed in raids, being told what to spec and gear with and what consumes to bring- these were all pretty normal in pve/pvp in Vanilla for premades/raid guilds.

Biggest difference is most players didn’t raid, and most players didn’t try for r14.

Casuals, solo puggers just really need to give up on the BG grind already, since it seems pretty darn clear they aren’t enjoying it. I don’t see premades on the forums constantly complaining about not having fun- seems a good indication that it’s the way to go.

The reason it wasn’t so extreme in Vanilla was because back then it was only the top 1% of players trying to do things, everyone else was a casual because it was a casual game.

Now, Vanilla isn’t considered a casual game, and it hasn’t attracted many casual players- it’s most attracted the ultra hardcore and the playerbase reflects it. You can complain about that all you want, but nobody can do anything about the fundamental fact that an entirely different community is playing Classic than Vanilla.

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I don’t think there’s been a change.

Perhaps one was never needed.

Literally impossible to queue every weekend, somethings needs to be done

Your arguing a moot point. But your right, it isn’t a solo game. Pvp however is a entirely seperate and different aspect of the game outside of dungeons and raids.

They either need to end premades entirely, or preferential treatment of matching premade vs premade. Premades are there to farm for honor. Solo queue’rs are there for the rep (in majority). And there’s the difference.

You see it on both sides, some people just want the rep and quests to be done so they can move onto another portion of the game. Other people, dedicated to getting their rank 14 and maintaining it tend to be in premades, with like minded people working on their honor per hour.

Premades would get more honor, versus other premades. Simply because they would be killing higher ranked players also working on their hph.

And everyone would be happy.

Edit: I am also adding this in. Before you respond to this, consider what i just said. Being in a premade, killing another premade for higher honor per kill (As they would be higher ranked and worth more per kill) would increase your honor per hour significantly. You’d spend less time on the grind, getting more per bg, than you would as it is now. And the solo people could pug normally and have better chances at winning av, ab, and wsg.

what would be pretty cool is if you could only Q as a full team for BGs. No solo Q. That would be competitive as hell.

Not all premades are created equal. For it to actually work this way you have to match players by rank, not by group size. Remember only like 7-8% of players are rank 10 or higher at any given time, so their queues would be alot longer. You also have to add limits on grouping, like in CS:GO comp matches you can’t queue with someone if you’re not within 5 ranks of each other. That would be the only way to prevent “sandbagging” to get more matches in.

I’m not against competitive games, it’s just very hard to force them into a system that isn’t designed to support them. I also appreciate that you actually put some thought into it, and didn’t just cry about how premades are “unfair”