End Premades

If we’re talking ‘premades’ here- then how is it a large chunk of the community that wants it?

According to Alliance and Horde pugs alike in WSG/AB, 90% of their matches are against premades.

Sorry, but if 90% of players are premading, seems like they’re the majority there. If truly the majority of players did not want premades, then the majority of matches would be pugs v pugs with the occassional premade stomp, hardly a problem.

Then there should be no problem simply matching pugs vs pugs and premades vs premades. If there’s so many premades it won’t impact their queue times and pugs would be mroe than willing to wait longer for a decent game.

Can we get LFD/LFR while we’re at it? I’m on a server with like 50 alliance total at peak times and haven’t had a dungeon run in months.

And hey, why should we have to group in an MMO? It won’t effect raiders at all if we get LFR.

Not relevant in a discussion about BG’s.

Look I’m not going to spend more time today arguing for or against some changes. I think solo Q right now is pretty unbearable. I sometimes premade, and I do find it very fun. Not the PUG stomping part but the premade vs premade matches.

I’ve always been pretty no changes, but this is a modern version of the game. It is going to have some modern problems that were not really an issue in vanilla. We are different now and so is the game. If blizzard does some minor adjustments its not a big deal. As long as those adjustments dont change some core values of vanilla. There can be some changes that still kinda fall in line with #nochanges if that makes sense.

I have no real evidence besides my own experience, but when I premade you get more games vs pugs than premades. When you pug you get more games vs premades than pugs. I think that is because premades stomp a pug in less than 10min usually, and they are right back in the Q. Where as when a pug faces another pug its often a 30min game. I doubt there are more premades than pugs.

As in, you see more premades because they are playing more games when often times thier games are only lasting 8min. Makes sense? Again I dont really know, just my own experience. I hope you guys hash it out here. This thread is a long read.

It’s entirely relevant- you want to bring an end to a need for endgame content in an mmo to require grouping to do well.

Something they did for both pvers and pvpers later on, just not yet. But if we’re going to give solo queuers the participation prize of maxed out epics, why not do the same for solo pvers?

Except it’s not relevant, dungeons and raids are encounters vs a static NPC. Not a competitive pvp match that has a match making system. Completely different situation.

In Vanilla battlegrounds were very casual friendly, anyone could solo queue and more often than not would face up against another pug. This wasn’t always the case, it was largely dependant on what server you were in. The problem in Classic is crossrealm bgs set the meta across the board regardless of the servers. This a huge change from vanilla where no one had been able to obtain Highwarlord exclusively doing xrealm bgs.

AV is bad because there’s no reason for alliance rankers, solo or groups, to run it. It’s just rep farmers at this point. Unless there’s a reason for alliance to go there other than rep idk how you fix it.

Same way people got sick of phase 2. Nobody enjoys being farmed, it sucks. But the honor system is all about farming other players like NPC’S all day for months on end. Rankers have honor to farm, therefore someone will be farmed, there’s no way around it. If solo queuers get their own queue that just means small groups and the guild “premades” will be the honor fodder for rankers, ruining their experience. There’s no way to make pvp “fair” in a system that is inherently unfair. That’s why the honor system was scrapped in TBC, and the most fair thing is for everyone to be honor fodder for rankers unfortunately

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Normal BGs aren’t competitive- and pug vs pug is definitely not competitive.

OK, let’s humour you for a moment here and give you a separation in pvp from the premades like Blizz later does. Do you remember what happened when Blizz tried to herd premades into arena/rated BGs?

Because they made a pretty big change as early as TBC.

It’s the gear.

With pve too and LFR.

If you want solo queues, whether in pve or pvp, separate from competitive pvp and premades- the price is the gear.

Which I’d be absolutely fine with, since we’ve already opened up the floodgates of change- but they’d have to put a big limitation on the solo queue.

Half honour would make the most sense, but frankly I think it’d be better to just cap solo queue honour once you hit rank 10. You get your blue pvp set, and good pvpers can go on for the purps. It matches with what they do later on too.

Makes you retailers happy, and you can have all the fun you want without being a premader tryhard concerned about that nasty purple gear.

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And this is wrong, pug vs pug is just as competitive as premade vs premade. In those conditions the queuing situation is the same and one team does not have a huge automatic advantage.

He doesn’t get it, don’t bother. His argument is essentially that a little league game is the same thing as a major league game since their both baseball, therefore little league player deserve multi million dollar contracts.

Also a great solution honestly if the did separate

Well actually that’s not the argument at all so clearly just don’t understand the issue.

The issue is that you take a bunch of random people and put them against a group that has preformed they will inherently be at an automatic disadvantage. In your example I could take a bunch of random major league players and put them up against an actual team and they would likely lose and it wouldn’t be because the players themselves are worse.

Oh, just as competitive? Then I guess we don’t need to end premades after all, since pugs are just as competitive.

There’s plenty of players that aren’t on teams- guess why that is, it’s because they are worse than the ones on teams.

And sure, those players that aren’t on major league teams but are (almost) just as good might go and play some ‘pug’ games with a bunch of randoms.

But it won’t be nearly as competitive.

Oh, and they also don’t get paid.

Yeah, you seem to have forgotten that part in your little example- you used one where the premades are the ones making the money.

So it seems you support premades getting rewarded with gear- and pugs not getting gear then. Good to know.

Except they’re not, there is exactly nothing better about premade players.

Actually i support premades who fight pugs getting no honor as they didn’t have to use any skill.

Then quit whining and beat them, problem solved- no need for separate queues after all!.

Yep, match premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs and I’ll happily beat all those premade players you think are so superior?

Or are you scared?

Of facing pugs as a premade? Not really- because I know you all suck.

LoL… so basically you are afraid of fighting other premades and rely on farming pugs.