End Premades

Whatever dude. The pug I was in just smashed a premade from skeram. And you know what? It was a good game until we hit 2-1 and they gave up. Just afk’d in corners waiting for a team who’d be easier to beat.

what i mean is ranking in classic doesn’t require winning, arena ratings do. Theoretically you can lose 75% of your games and hit rank 14 if you play enough

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That’s a fair point.

However, since you’re competing against others on your realm and your faction, it could require winning, if others are.

Theoretically but not in practice.

Arena wasn’t perfect either. Conquest acquisition on a weekly basis had a duplicative effect depending on how you did week 1.

More conquest week 1, more points to spend on gear for week 2, easier time of things week 2 because better gear = more conquest on week 3 etc.

It wasn’t exactly a level playing field.

Ultimately it’s more a question of how much PvE gear you get funneled to you in the opening weeks prior to the start of the first season : /

Skill obviously has an effect, there. But if two players of equal skill go toe to toe and one has a 10% HP and damage modifier on…

You just couldn’t skip a week of capping conquest. No change from classic i guess. Missing a week of conquest isnt as big of a deal as missing the honor pool for a week in classic though.

All depends on how much honor they’re getting. I’m not saying its likely or even a good way to do it, but technically it is possible. I mean there was a post a few weeks ago about a guy who got exalted in AV without winning a single game lol

I actually remember that. I don’t know that it was actually true though.

Ive always understood classic pvp. But its not vanilla pvp

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One benefit is that time spent in arena doesn’t = necessarily mean progress like it does with rank.

Like unless you win and increase your rating, you didn’t make progress. So people infrequently spend the whole week farming arena because it’s about getting 10 games minimum, and maintaining the highest rating you can.

It’s a double edged sword though, because you could play for rating and drop a bunch of games back to back, and feel like you want to make a comeback and end up playing quite a bit anyway.

Not to mention the frustration… foof. do yourself a favor and don’t play arena with your friends xP

Saying vanilla was “just like this” is an abject lie.


And your vanilla experience is never coming back. Separating out premades isn’t gunna bring 2005 back, no matter how bad you want it to.

Yeah that’s true. Missing out on conquest cap meant you had to wait an extra week for a piece. As long as you didn’t miss too many week you were still gunna get the gear at some point, and you could still win game without that piece.

If it was up to me to redesign classic’s pvp I’d have casual BG’s for blues, and RBG’s for epics. casual BG’s group of 5 max, but id also include ranked AV for full 40 man premades. It would also be season based on a schedule with raid tiers. So season 1 would’ve been MC equivalent epics, season 2 BWL level gear and so on. I’d also ban consumable usage in BG’s. But i don’t work at blizzard, so it’ll never happen :frowning:

Not really. This actually doesn’t really seem to be accurate. Spend more time in Arena, and let’s talk.

RBG’s are stupid.

Spend more time waiting around for the right class comp than playing the game. Somebody ragequits or misses the queue and you’re stuck playing man-down until match ends.

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I don’t disagree. :slight_smile:

Most RBG’s are over long before the match is, and by the end there might be like 4 players left in the game out of a 10 player team.

Broken as hell.

But blizzard also implemented FC debuffs and time constraints which make CTF completely stupid. A fair deal of the newer battlegrounds just don’t live up to the originals.

Its better than what we have now. Plus premades are still putting together proper comps, they might not be as strict but it still happens. The honor system should’ve stayed in 2005 where it belongs imo. class balance isn’t great for it in classic and pallies would be super OP, but it would work in classic way better than arenas would.

Alternatively, they could simply do what I’ve suggested. idk.

Most benefit out of the least amount of change. Better than vanilla where they failed to fix this in the first place. (provided it was less of a problem then because 10 players couldn’t all rank at the same time)

The only people who benefit are solo queuers, and even that is debatable. If premading is no longer the “best” way to gain honor rankers will go elsewhere. Rankers have ruined every aspect of the game they’ve touched. World pvp was ruined in phase 2 by rankers rolling around in death squads preventing everyone else from playing the game. Alliance premades ruined AV for our own faction and then then bailed on it making a free win for the horde, and now premades have ruined WSG/AB for casual pvpers. They don’t care about your enjoyment, they care about honor/hr, and they will ruin everyone else’s experience to get that. Like i said the honor system should’ve stayed in 2005 where it belongs.

If the rankers abandoned premades for solo queue it would probably still result in fairer more exciting matches, and probably a more even win ratio between factions in every battleground.

I like the gameplay in premade versus premade, man. If premades didn’t face pugs, I would probably be more interested in joining one.

That said, if top rankers were queueing in small groups and taking part in pugs, it would probably have the effect of turning most games into matches that feel like there’s a premade playing both sides.

Instead, we’re giving factions the option to put all their eggs in one basket, and pitting them up against baskets that have no eggs. Makes a bit of a mess. I’m just out here tryin’ to make an omelet.

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Yes they don’t care about others, that’s the reason to let them have premade vs premade.


i think the real question is how do you separate players who want to be competitive from those are just looking to have fun, and i don’t think premades being separated out is the answer. Not everyone who queues with a group is chasing rank, and not everyone who queues solo is a super casual. Separating out premades will likely just push the problem onto those who like to play with friends casually. Like i said before it’ll make your experience better, but ruin it for a bunch of others. Separate queues for casual and competitive BG’s, or premades and solo, wouldn’t affect me much since I’m Alliance but would likely double your queue times. Maybe the best option is to limit all BG’s to a group of 5 max. Either way the honor system still sucks.

That only works if premades vs premades is 100% the best way to earn honor. Given matches will be more competitive and last longer that’s unlikely. so they’ll stop premading and find another efficient honor farm to stay ahead. And if you give them free bonus honor that makes it literally impossible to get rank as a solo player, where as now its possible, just extremely time consuming.