End of BFA: There's still a GIANT SWORD stabbing into Azeroth

Have you looked around Silithus, it’s just scorps and bugs, it needs a tourist attraction. Leave the knife in.

Every small town needs a tourist attraction!

I don’t even need to know the plot of the next expansion to know this is a much better foundation for it than whatever they’ll write.


It is my understanding that Gallywix intends to put some luxury condos at the top by the hilt.

I get that you can datamine dialog, and that there’s no signs there of the big pointy stick being removed, but can you datamine cutscenes? I’m guessing that if we “need” azerite for the final fight then the big pointy stick will get removed afterwards in a cutscene when the azurite is no longer “needed”. By then the planet will have presumably been healed enough that it is safe for one of the titans to draw it out.

it took like 3 expansions for them to visually show that the Vale of Eternal Blossoms have been cleansed of the Sha Taint and you want them to just remove the massive world slicing sword out of Azeroth within a single expansion?

please think about it, how exactly are we going to remove the sword? it took all 36 artifacts at full power just to cleanse the sword of the Fel corruption, so how are we going to go about removing it? even if we found a way to damage it, if we slice it it will just fall over and crush the entire continent. the only realistic way to have it removed is to wait until Azeroth’s world soul hatches and the new Titan is born and removes it

Wow. Okay. I guess they hired a bunch of mentally challenged drunk kangaroos to write for them now.


Are you sure? I mean, it always seems like it can’t get any worse until it does.

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Just send it into the Void.
Sorry I have no lore knowledge and I should probably be quiet.

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Well typically after stabbing you don’t want to pull out whatever you just stabbed yourself with. Tends to cause bleed out.

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You’re hired! You’re now a Blizzard story developer!


What? I still see Sha all over the Vale! How do I fix this and bring back the waterfalls?

While I found this funny, isn’t it true? If a writer has a good imagination bring them on the team.

@Xorno this is the obvious last few minutes of the show conclusion. It would also bring the factions back together again.

Hmmp this story plot tho, seems strangely similar to reality… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
One Hippie group very troubled by the planet’s health on a southern hemisphere, while the other is more worried on politics and war targets.

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Everywhere, on two islands and a mix of smaller islands. But shh we don’t talk about that!


The entire ending of BfA was datamined months ago.


We evaporate N’Zoth with a Titan laser, Magni tells us that the Old Gods are all dead now, and that we’re a true champion of Azeroth. Gorribal is never mentioned, and azerite anchoring us to the World-Soul has already been stated to be a plot point in Shadowlands.



Lead. Lead story developer.

it’s fixed in 8.3

…every other week it’s not the target of N’zoth’s invasions

Just hope the titan does not trip and slice it in 1/2 like an apple.

Norgannon: %$#@ does anyone know where I left the titan-forged crazy glue? No! Titan-forged duct-tape won’t work Aggramar!

Makes you wonder how it affects the rotation of Azeroth.

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So are you confirming then that the big, pointy stick is still there? Is the datamined video the entire video or just a transcript of the audio track? Not much info there to address OP’s post one way or the other.