End of BFA: There's still a GIANT SWORD stabbing into Azeroth

It’s the novel they’re currently working on that won’t make any connections to the game itself.


That is just the BfA phase of that area - you can revert to past time and give it a few years you will get another phase of that area.

Rumor is the same is going to happen before Classic’s AQ opening.

Turns out the sword is a giant acupuncture needle and is helping Azeroth relieve lower back pain.


Yep. Right after saving Azeroth she gets stabbed with a giant sword. Normally you would think we would be tasked yet again with saving Azeroth. Nope. We get a pseudo faction conflict.

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That’s the funniest titandamned thing I’ve ever seen, you’re 100% right. I think Blizzard gets a lot of fleck for things that they don’t deserve backlash for, but that’s seriously hilarious.

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I like to think of it as we tried to multitask quests but nzoth side tracks us… easier on the mind

Ehhh, it was more a faction kerfuffle. We burned a tree because reasons, they burned a plagued city they’d never want to occupy.

Then we both said “screw it, I’d much rather spend my time during the faction war expansion fighting pirates and blood trolls. Maybe another old god or two. Also there’s Vulpera that need exterminating and there’s some gnomes, doing things with machines over there. Also fish.”

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Umm, ya it was always a let down for me that they just left it as is… heal Azeroth and nothing more… they seem to simply not think it through or have but left it for later. Though logically it feels VERY out of place now. Possibly something we draw attention to in 8.3.5 possibly?.. I doubt it… just thinking out loud.

It feels like it’s just another forgotten story tidbit that will be thrown to the side at this rate.

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expansion semi felt like the selfie camera patch from wod buuut maybe thats just me even if allied races were things

Any suggestions on how to remove several billion tons of probably near indestructible material?

Obvious answer seems to be “The Titans who are now freed, owe us a huge favor, and would probably not want their sister Azeroth to die?”

Failing that, there’s the Ulduar Titan Watchers, the Draneii and their space tech, Magnii himself with Mother and access to the various facilities with planet shaking power, etc.

Goblins will know.

Nobody wants to take a stab at removing it.


Yeah, we’re working on the Giant Sword. Gallywix is thinking of turning it into a Luxury Condo and Office Building

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It will be ok. We will get some shrubberies , line them up nice, put a little path down the middle.

You won’t even notice the 300 story sword any more.

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Okay but consider that if, somehow, no idea how but somehow, you were to remove the sword, how are you going to prevent the G U S H I N G bleeding that will cause? Because it’s the same principle as any stab wounds irl. Leave the thing it as it plugs the hole.

After this, how are you going to heal the wound? With bandaids?

Anyone else find it kind of funny the Pantheon uses a tractor beam on Sargeras then just… leaves?

Like did they not see him stabbing the sword and think “yeah I guess we can tractor beam the sword too and fix it up”.

Old Gods were right the Titans are terrible guardians.



you are actually surprised by this?

this is blizzard we’re talkin about here. that sword is still gonna be there three expansions and another ten years down the line when they decide to recycle the thing for a new plot arc and milk another xpac out of their own laziness.

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Gather all AZEROTH enchanters together and just disenchant that thing for some awesome shards!