End of BFA: There's still a GIANT SWORD stabbing into Azeroth

I want this as a title SOOOO BAD

Like, almost as much as “The Shark Puncher”

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Sword is killing planet. No one can pull out the sword so we might as well fight Death itself to stop planet from dying. Simple plan.


Under normal circumstances, pulling the blade out would just cause a bleed out.

Yeahhh, that’s all I got.

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Michael Bay and Hasbro just called. They told us we can not use this as it is copy right in the future Transformers live action film starring Unicron.

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Pushes the sword a bit, causing it to tilt and eventually fall over, wrecking Thousand Needles, Echo Isles, and Durotar. A shocked expression remains on the pandaren.

… Huh. That was easier than I thought.


no it’s not, don’t belive fake news and what government tells you

I said this in another post: Somebody should call Odyn and the rest of the gang of active Titanic Watchers, and have them do something about it. Like the last time the planet had a large gaping wound in it. Isn’t Ulduar a whole city filled with people created exactly for these sorts of things?

Didn’t we answer this 5 days ago?


As I said in that thread,

How do you purpose we do that? No one is tall enough to simply pull it out (which could cause more damage then simply leaving it in)

I doubt anyone on Azeroth is powerful enough to destroy it, which again could cause damage to Azeroth.

How would we melt it? Do we know what kind of metal it’s made out? Some metals aren’t easy to melt. (Let’s also not forget it’s likely in contact with lava)

As I said in that thread,

How do you purpose we do that? No one is tall enough to simply pull it out (which could cause more damage then simply leaving it in)

I doubt anyone on Azeroth is powerful enough to destroy it, which again could cause damage to Azeroth.

(Thrall goes off to meet Velen with Khadgar)

Thrall: “Hello Prophet, is the Vindicaar in working order?”

Velen “You mean our orbital warship that we designed to fight the Legion? The one capable of shooting through many levels of steel plating and can fly at speeds inconceivably fast? The one we could have ended the war for Azeroth with in like, 2 hours?”

Khadgar: “(Sigh) Yes Velen, the Vindicaar, is it operational?”

Velen: " Of course it is! We just figured we’d sit this whole war out for, err, lore reasons. I mean Sylvannas’s whole justification was the Night Elf Teldrassil would have made a good port, but she was nice enough to ignore our much better port, you know, like 2 miles from Teldrassil?"

(The three fly off to the TItan watchers, who of course are willing to save their own Sister. While there they let Illidan know that Tyrande still hates him)


You mean the Titans who are keeping Sargeras imprisoned? I don’t think that’d be a good idea.

It’s fine. Trust me, I’m a doctor or something.

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Are you suggesting it takes Illidan (remember, he can somehow solo the Prime Naaru) and all the other titans to hold one Titan down? At the place of their greatest power and after the Legion has been defeated?

‘Tis merely a flesh wound!

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What if we just shrunk it a bunch, and made it a festive letter opener?


Its not just the sword, right at the beginning the huge “God” placed his hand on Azeroth to support himself as he heaved the sword in and literally no where is damage to be found from it.
No flattened area’s, trees, building, dead people etc etc etc
Its bugged me this whole expax…


Considering Sargeras already 1 v 1’d all the titans. Yes, having the titans focus on their job is the best course of action.

Again, he’s got all the Titans plus an emo guarding him, as he’s imprisoned there. I don’t think it’s so dangerous that they can’t spare a thought to their sister dying from a stab wound he made

That would be amazing if they had Goblins put a Rollercoaster around the sword with Vendors selling cake and toys.

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Why cant we use Kiljadens ship to pull it out? LOL

The Entire plot of BFA Could’ve just not happened.

You could’ve gone straight from: “Sylvanas burned down Teldrassil and murdered countless innocent civilians”

to: “Sylvanas is working with the Jailer and gets strength from every soul she sends to the Shadowlands”

And skipped over BFA Entirely.