Enchanting Vellum Bug

On the beta - For SL enchants, the error exists. Works fine for enchanting DF onto vellum.

Update: Vellum enchanting works for other expansions enchants (BFA and Legion enchants tested).

If the DF enchants are working fine with vellum but SL ones aren’t this is likely not getting fixed anytime soon.
Blizzard will ignore issues with “legacy content” for as long as they possibly can i.e. until a big streamer mentions it during an interview.

Checking back two days later and I cannot believe this still hasn’t been fixed. An entire profession is completely down and they couldn’t care less rofl


You can’t even do them in THAT window because the enchanting window closes the trade window or vice versa. It’s super fun. Blizzard puts the FU in fun!

Update: So, apparently the windows work fine if you play in 1920 x 1080. Being that I’m visually impaired, I play in 1380 x 768–which apparently means that the windows can’t actually both exist at the same time. I’m super frustrated by this, since everything -should- be able to work at whatever resolutions they allow people to play in. If you make a UI that isn’t going to work for resolutions that you are allowing the game to be played in, you’re basically saying that you don’t give a crap about the people using your UI.

It’s a huge bummer for me. My chill time in the mornings before work, or after a long day of work - is to chill on the Bruto and stock all my enchants and do my whole TSM routine. The AH is really all I participate in during times like this. I wanted to burn through the remaining enchanting mats I had and try to pad the coin pile a little bit before DF.
Now before and after work I get yelled at by toxic kids in Overwatch 2 and it’s not good for my mental health tbh.



oh they will fix it before the raiders get to freak out in dragonflight

Currently there is no issue with DF enchants on vellum so it’s not an issue for raiders who would be using DF enchants. It’s only an inconvenience to us right now because the inaccessibility of SL enchants. Moreover, does SL enchants really make that big of a difference at the end of the expansion?

Update: So, apparently the windows work fine if you play in 1920 x 1080.

There’s an addon for that… DeModal. It will allow you to have windows open (even when they normally close when other windows are open) and resize them (among other things).


I didn’t realize we could use DF enchants yet

to people who don’t have a lot of gear it does

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He means that on the beta it is broken in the same way for SL enchants but works for DF ones, so whatever is causing it seems limited to old content and not the new.

and it is a pointless remark - a lot of people won’t be using the DF enchants until they come down in price anyway so yes this is important to people.

Thank you so much for this, @Buckwyster!

I went ahead and downloaded the addon and will see what mischief I can manage. It’s great that the community has people who are willing to step up like this, but I still wish Blizz would be more mindful of their design decisions. The fact that higher resolutions are more negatively impacted by the enchanting vellum issue (since other people can just use trade chat straight out of the box so to speak) is fairly disheartening.

Hopefully this addon will make me less intent on considering the whole ‘leaving the game’ thing. As it stood last night, I was really having to consider if this was something that made me want to vote with my wallet. The fact that they’ve cut quality assurance teams and testers is really showing right now, and I kind of don’t want to keep rewarding them for bad business practices. But I really do enjoy the game, too.

Thankfully there is a lovely mod community. I have no idea how I’d be feeling if there weren’t. One of the reasons I haven’t played FFXIV has to do with the fact that there really isn’t a “sanctioned” way to change font sizes in the game, and that was just killer for me. If WoW didn’t have addons that allowed for larger font sizes than the ones they currently have, for example, I might well have stopped playing it, too.

Bumping because the bug still isn’t fixed.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I’m going to go ahead and guess this isn’t going to be fixed before the expansion launch next week or else it would have been fixed already. :sob:

Not getting fixed after either as this only affects SL enchants. Likely one of those bugs that will just stick around for a few years.

You’re probably right, but since it should have never been broken and still hasn’t been fixed, I’ll keep bumping it because I’m just plain stubborn like that. Besides, it only takes a minute or so out of my day to do it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Maybe pointless or maybe it helps narrow the issue. Since this bug exists also on the Beta then it stands to reason that something specific with SL enchants and vellum isn’t matching up. The fact that older (pre-SL) enchants work just fine along with DF enchants also narrows the scope of the issue. These are helpful information to the devs.

Instead of just complaining, I’m trying to find as much data to help the devs locate the issue and assist other players where possible.

geez, people have pointed out the issue for over a week already.

there should be no restrictions on vellum at all. just remove the restriction.

Well, folks, we can fish while sitting down again! The entire enchanting profession is dead until DF and basic weapon enchants are up to 3000g in my region, but … did I mention you can fish while sitting down again?


This should never have been changed for SL enchant levels and should have been fixed by now.

Many people will want these enchants while leveling.

Why are we locked into this silly system anyway? What was wrong with just clicking onto the vellum or the item to enchant it?

You know the saying “It it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”


had a GM tell me they have a fix planned for it but, it required a server restart… That has came and gone. Guess it will be a feature in the new dragon flight for Shadowlands enchanting to be working.