Enchanting Vellum Bug

They blizz have not even read this

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why am i paying for this game… lol blizzard

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same issue here

I cannot enchant a vellum with a Shadowlands enchant. A message pops midscreen saying “Target is too low level.”

Apparently an army of gnomes was recruited to fix this. But their leader seems to have dropped a monkey wrench in the wheel that goes round and round. Now nobody can fix anything.

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Sooo…3 days of not being able to:

  • Enchant vellums to send to alts getting the new pre-launch event gear
  • Enchant vellums to send to new Dracthyr characters
  • Enchant vellums to put on the AH.

All the while the AH barons make gold hand over fist by having little competition.

Bravo Blizzard. I was actually starting to enjoy the game again.

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Why is this taking so long? I have a bunch of new alts and my shiny new Evoker that need enchants! The heck I am going to fork out thousands of gold for that. Sigh.

Good to see that it’s at least been acknowledged. Was beginning to think maybe it was deliberate and they were just phasing out vellums in a dodgy way.


This is the most over dramatic nonsense I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. Enchants quite literally will not carry you and doing runs without enchants is absolutely an option… Blizzard employees coming here to read this and laugh on their lunch breaks because of this lmao.

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Meh, I dont care. I would have probably run 18s and 19s by now in M+ at a pretty low gear level for the key. If I am going to run M+ I like to be maxed out and push hard. Maybe for 2s and 3s it doesn’t matter much, but some of us like to get everything on our side vs being slack about it. I see what I think of as careless play at BGs all the time and wonder why people aren’t willing to spend a couple gold to better their performance. I guess that is just the way I roll.

Laugh all you like. I couldn’t care less.

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Yeah, that’s the issue though. The enchants help. But they don’t just suddenly elevate you to 18s and 19s, if you can do 18s and 19s with enchants, you can also do them without. It’s pre-patch, weird interactions are going to happen. The people that NEVER enchant their stuff are strange, yes, but this is about how you are having a melt down that a bug that causes enchanting prices to go up is ruining the entire game.

The meltdown isn’t about prices. It’s about the profession being totally broken for the SL level. It’s not just the Vellums. You can’t do a SL chant in the trade window either.


The meltdown is about both, we can both see the comment thread talking about how prices are so high, “I wish I wouldn’t have sold mine for 9g! I could’ve been rich!”, “OMG, I tried enchanting, and it says it’s too low level!!”, Yes it’s not great that it is broken, but it’s not meltdown worthy…

This is a BUG post. A few players lamenting lost riches adds nothing to the report. Just as your comments add nothing to them. Do you have information that addresses this bug? If so post it! Otherwise go post in General.

This actually goes to all of you making random comments “How it affects this or that”. It doesn’t matter. It’s a bug. Stick to the point.


It’s not just you, and they haven’t - or at least not one we can buy.

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Maybe or maybe not, but I don’t really care. Some guy on my server was saying he made 500,000 gold buying up all of the cheap enchants and selling them at inflated prices. Obviously more people than just me agree enchants do make a difference–the proof in how much gold he made–and that was a couple days ago

I have also seen keyholders remove people from groups who have no enchants and empty gem sockets. I have also played with raid leaders who do the same.

If you think I was being overdramatic in some of my comments, I was sometimes. I occasionally exaggerate for effect and overreact out of frustration. Big deal. I’m no less human than you.

Regardless, as mentioned above, it is a bug. And it is kind of a big deal to some people.


Also really sucks to see a fishing pole problem get fixed before fixing an entirely broken profession.

* Fixed an issue where Bone Fishing Pole and Seth’s Graphite Fishing Pole incorrectly had combat stats on them.

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Just an update regarding the trade window bug (?):

I tried it with addons and without, and in both cases, opening either the trade window while the enchanting window was up OR opening up the enchanting window when the trade window is up causes the other to close. You cannot drag enchanting recipes to your action bars; so, there is no way to create an enchant that way, either.

In short, no more offering an enchant via trade to your friends, guildmates, etc. until/unless this is fixed.

As I mentioned before, I assume this is intended to some extent since the addition of the work order should make it so that they put in an order and get what they need, but with the vellums currently broken, that’s more of a larger problem than the trade window one.


I feel like they broke something that wasn’t broken here. How much easier is it to just quickly do the enchants via a trade for friends and the like rather than making them put in an order? It wasn’t broke. It didn’t need fixing. I’d like to be able to hand things off to people or just give them spot enchants instead of having to go through a whole crafting order which takes more time and effort. Since I suspect super special enchants might require a crafting station in Dragonflight, though, gone are the days of just handing out 'chants to people who need them when they get new gear and stuff.

I really hope this isn’t actually the case, but right now, the way things AREN’T working for enchanting, it’s just really frustrating.

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Bumping as I still cannot put an enchant on an enchanting vellum.

Any ETA on when this will be fixed ActiBlizz? And please, don’t just spit out a bunch of instructions on what WE have to do, you broke it, you fix it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Still unread by blizz

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Actually they have acknowledged the problem exists. But that is currently as far as it goes. That is, in that there have been no statements made beyond that. And the problem still exists.