Enable RealID for the Forums Please

I’ve always been too much of a coward to try non-natural colors. If I picked one, it might be green. In my early 20’s I attempted to play up the token gay bit and got my cosmetology license. Then, I colored my hair dark brown. And my eyebrows. I looked like a pasty Groucho Marx. Any time I looked in a mirror, I was taken aback by this fugly stranger who was me.

My hair is naturally a dull red and my eyebrows are blonde/invisible, so the stark contrast was a mistake that none of the “experts” I had surrounded myself with in cosmetology school had the guff to warn me against. I didn’t like working with women in a hair salon environment so I didn’t last long in that industry.

You may be right, my brain is permanently fried and I have no concept of the past as far as timeline goes.

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That’s great that you’re not part of the new self appointed morality police. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t out there.

And BTW, what freedoms was I taking away from you?


Fun fact. Something like RealID was already attempted in the past. The result? A massive increase in trolling and at least one blizz employee got doxxed and had to completely delete their social media presence off the Internet. He kinda brought it on himself though since he repeatedly goaded the forum dwellers into coming after him.

Blizz learnt then that it is not a good idea to challenge the Internet hive mind. You will always lose.


Maybe not you personally but I want to be able to cuss in the game.

Not directed at someone but just use whatever word I want.

I’m tired of marshmallows


Absolutely… I have a very unique name and you could find me in about 6.2 seconds. I was very, very vocal against RealID when it was discussed. With the current state of the forums and specific individuals (I’ll let you figure out who) I’m for the implementation. I’ll settle for Btags, but want RealID.

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I get that, this turned out to be a happy mistake though. It actually suits me and I am sticking with it for a while. In the summer I usually hit a full on red tone, I should have gone darker.

I also noticed an increase in freckles…(insert steals soul meme here)

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Oh, look, Toutaku is making another troll thread. What happened to your genderqueer daughter?

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Oooh nice! =)

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Oh was that this person?? :laughing:


Yes. The person with the toon named after the Ikkitousen character.


Gender wasn’t specified, you brought that one in yourself.

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I see.

spent a lot of time in the forums today… I really don’t want to fight with anyone or trigger someone. Life is too short. I’m amazed at ppl that truly get upset in the forums?! First world problems.

I wish we all put ppl on ignore and let them be themselves and move on and not be report happy if it isn’t something outrageously bad.

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I would like just to have something like Diablo forums

Latest General Discussion topics - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

They don’t show the hashtag number like this for example:

And let us choose our character avatars, to push it even further ban free account accessing the forums since they are abused and used to troll the community. Also make only max levels post.

All your character alts are attached to your account, some people use other accounts to troll which is why another reason I’m against free accounts posting here.


Agree, this would be the preferred system. One forum avatar per account.

Yeah. Been too long since most of the people alive today have had to deal with real adversity and tragedy, so they keep inventing problems to give themselves relevance.

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It really feels that way when I read what is going on in the world periodically and what some folks say in the forums.

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They do, mouse over the name and look in the bottom left corner.

I thought this as well but some pointed that out to me. Even with that though, you still have to approve any request coming in. Nor would it list the characters, merely the bnet tag.

I’m glad I could be an example :laughing:

Only one request! xD


I didn’t notice that I don’t take random friend request out of nowhere, I guess just play it safe.

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I disagree with realID, but absolutely would want to see battletag for the forums

RealID is creepy, battletag is :ok_hand:

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