Enable RealID for the Forums Please

You know i never said i wanted that. I just answered your question on what it was… like others did.

Real id is a terrible idea. I dont mind battle.net tags though.

But in true fashion to your other posts on other forums, you twist my words.

Whats wrong with that is if someone gets banned, they throw 15 at blizz, level to 10, and go right back to forum trolling.

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I’m all for using BattleNet Tags, as for RealID, that’s a big fat NOPE.

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I pulled up where we talked about this before. I figured I’d remind you!

It was a non answer, just deflection a month ago as well.


You really think the forum is full of 80 year old women who tint their white hair blue? That’s where the “blue haired” pejorative comes from.

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I like pie.

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Oooh pie. What kind of pie?

Fixed for you.

Kind of funny take on this hot button topic

I think they may be referring to the Blizzard Walkout last year(?), a lot of people with pink and blue hair in the crowd.

Am I the only 80 year old woman who tints her white hair blue?! :scream:

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Strawberry-rhubarb. Love me some tart and tangy :slight_smile:

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I’m 34 tyvm.

No, I do not want to cancel anyone. I’m putting ppl on ignore that aren’t my kind. Let them be free and let me be free.

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No to RealID, yes to showing your Battletag so people can’t sockpuppet in a deceptive way.

Times change, but slurs just keep coming. I see you’re okay with the current level of toxicity. Or do you want more?

You are saying that it’s NOT women you are referring to here?

by telling you times change, you got all that? i think you need to look at yourself their bud.

They proposed this once; it crashed and burned hard.

Not gonna happen.

No problem, keep those slurs pouring out. I’m sure you’ve got far more deep inside if you’re trying to convince us that “Blue-haired Taliban” has nothing to do with women who dye their hair blue. No, it’s about guys! Really!

I tried to go a dark auburn and came out a ginger. Automatic doors no longer open for me, but at least I am not a blue haired whatever like those Smurfs!

wow, you are really triggered and projecting, you might want to step away and relax. i never said a slur to anyone, i just said times change.

I’m remember it during Lich King… Right after they launched the new forums of that time.