Enable RealID for the Forums Please

I don’t think that happens as much as you think it does.

You sure?

glares at the level 10 posting with 20 achievement points


Yes and what difference does it make if I were on a max level with 20k achievement points? The threads and responses would be the same. Point being, the rules apply to everyone. Posting on an alt or whatever isn’t going to make someone immune.

Also, what is RealID? That sounds a lot like using real info online. Do you really want everyone to know your personal details?

The forums would most definitely be a lot quieter.

Aren’t we a bit defensive today?

Was gonna say something similar, but you beat me to it lol

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Most people confuse or combine RealID with BattleTag, RealID would be your real name which no one is really a fan of once they understand what it implies. Most people I know are proponents of BattleTag instead of using our WoW characters names.


I imagine you’d just be able to submit financial information, payment history, etc.

Still, trying to get by with fake info your account seems sketchy in the event it’s ever compromised.

You made that alt with intention to post on the forums and it looks sus. High achievement points means its most likely not a burner account.

Now you could be Eu and made a US just to post on US forums. But yeah if you had a main, your achievement points would show on the forums.

Real ID would be first and last name of the bnet and regardless of what alt a person is on, it will display the name.


Nooooot really. From lurking in the Customer Support forum, people’s ability to get their account back after a compromise is limited if they’ve been using a fake name on their account and can’t prove their identity by sending in an ID.

I’m not sure if at that point the workarounds get more extravagant, or if people just lose the ability to get their account back.

Really? Interesting.

Yeah, I’d never take the chance by having meme name/info stuff on my acc.


Some time ago I had account issues and had to verify my identity, for most online accounts I use my middle name as my last name (I don’t like my last name) and had problems because of that specifically, but got resolved and they changed my last name on my account to prevent future issues.

Im about to pee myself. This guy would be a blast to party with :joy:

Wow nui. I rated you. Not a word.

Wouldn’t it be technically correct to say Mayim or Ken instead of Alex at this point? :thinking:

As for the topic at hand, not sure what more can be said. This has been proven to be an extremely bad idea many times over, especially with doxing becoming more of a problem as time goes on.

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I was debating posting on an alt (to prevent aformentioned double dipping!) and I’m also in the process of rolling one so I am multitasking, poorly!

I will respond here since we have hijacked this thread: I appreciate the compliment and I love your booty shorts. I think the shorts with the feral look reminds me of your feisty spirit. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Using your real name to post on a public forum would be a disaster. I refuse to believe people really want this.

What’s wrong with any of that? I see that as a plus because it gives players more privacy. But then again you want this:

You realize people have unique names and it’s very easy to search for people on the internet? Why would Blizzard do this? PR disaster.

I mean, if your goal is to destroy the forums, than by all means. I’ll get the popcorn ready.

Most people absolutely do NOT want this. I recall I think during WoD times, Blizzard TRIED to do this and the backlash was too much for them. It’s a hard no for the community.

But like I said, many people confuse ReadID with BattleTag.

No, but I genuinely think you should be limited to one character to post on the forums. Same effect, no one talking to themselves and bumping likes, easier to implement, and no in game stalking.