Enable RealID for the Forums Please

Gamers in general are very bitter, spiteful and determined people.

Those on the community council especially would be screwed the moment they posted something someone disagreed with. Real ID being used isn’t necessary and won’t help anything. It’s easy enough to create battle.net accounts that has nothing on them aside from for trolling purposes.

Battle tag handles without the number would probably be enough to damn some of the sock puppets if discourse’s software can handle it.

It’d sure be neato if people couldn’t hide behind hidden chars or classic alts.

Post quality would no doubt improve.

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What is wrong with hidden?

I like that ppl can’t see when I’m on if I leave it open and when I type.

You can look a toon up ez clap that is hidden.

Enlighten me

Oh, I don’t mean hidden profile, I meant like alt/burner acc.

You know, the people with 2k achi points spamming the same bait daily.

I mean considering there was a person making veiled threats in a recent troll thread, forcing people to post under their real names is an extremely reliable way to cause all manner of awfull headlines come to pass. So its probably for the best that reality definately stays far FAR away from these forums right now

Oh, we can’t be friends then :upside_down_face::pleading_face:

OP just wants people they don’t like doxxed.

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You give this pit of sadness way too much credit.


i figured OP has got to be a troll when i noticed i couldnt reply without getting political :wink:

lemme just drop a big phat no.

I heard some ppl do not use their real name or address for some accounts.

I think that is against tos lol

yea, I know a few people who do that. I think it’s a problem if you get locked out of your account or something and need to prove it’s yours.

I had my email account stolen once and they got into my wow account, to get it back I had to send in a picture of my driver’s license.

idk, I guess that’s a risk someone could choose to take (not having the same name). I’m not that someone though :slight_smile:

it may be against tos, I don’t know. seems like a kind of thing they’d never be able to prove

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it’s kinda weird with the amount of emails containing the given name they send.

like dude… call me by my nickname were gaming here.


Until they make another bnet, with level 10 burner toons, and with low achievements to post on the forums and you have to ignore again.

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Fuzzbutt spittin factz


Oh, yea, totally bring back the ReALID thing. It would cause massive chaos on the forums.

I will post popcorn pics and cat gifs. It shall be amazing, and lulzy.

I wonder which blue will get doxxed this time?

I think OP didn’t expect the fourm members to actually care and act together to try to limit the spam/trolling going on, and just wants to know who to harass.

Can you post a bear one too? :pleading_face:

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thats unbearable!

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If I couldn’t cycle through my army of alts every time I say something I later regret I probably couldn’t post here. I need anonymity. And I definitely don’t need anyone from this forum knowing my freakin’ battletag. I’d need to block the lot of ya cause what happens on the forums does not come into the game.