Enable RealID for the Forums Please

Sasarai mcduffin

John Jacob Jingleheimerschmit at your service.


Hey his name is my name too


Baridorielor M. Silvershadow.

You can take this garbage idea and throw it into the dumpster fire where it belongs.


Are you the recent HR Karen that just went viral?

What other purpose is there to leak the real names of people than to weaponize it?

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Yes but known trolls wouldnā€™t be able to hide behind alts to gain more traction for their crap posts


They tried this. It took all of five minutes for people to track down the moderators and learn enough about their personal lives that they could have (and probably did) commit identity fraud.


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They donā€™t gain traction now. Online forums are notorious anyway for everyone having their mental heels dug in on most any issue. We argue for arguments sake not to actually have healthy and reasonable debates where minds can be changed in light of new thoughts.

Can it happen? Sure but it rarely does.

I agree. Hi, my name is Brooke and I have many accounts but only post on this one on the forums.

I wish they made it happen and Iā€™ll laugh watching ppl QQ and the ppl with multiple accounts who bump their threads and comments.

Battletag would personally be an improvement for me.
So many times I have lost my post history and trust level because I transferred my character etc. At the moment Iā€™m still trying to get the trust level back up but I will have to wait a few more months before I can post picture etc againā€¦
And all their other forums already use it.
Just allow us to still pick one of our characters as avatars.
That way I can switch between my alts when posting in the class forums without feeling the push to keep posting on my main for the trust level.


How about we test it out - you can give us your name and we shall see how it goes

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Too chicken to give us your last name and address? And the addresses of your entire family? Because thatā€™s what would happen to people with unique last names.

Battkletags? Bring it on. Iā€™d welcome that change.

RealID? Heck. No.


Itā€™s at the finger tips for you, me anyone to find out that information.

Battle net would prob be better.

I wish they did. Tired of the multi account ppl being so insecure that they have to like and bump their own stuff and the classic clowns

Nah. Thereā€™s anonymity to be found with a name thousands of other people have.

There is none when only one other person in the US share your name.

100% agree. The other blizz forums work off btag. This one should too.


Only one other person?

I think youā€™re right tho. Btag would prob be better.

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No joke. The only people with my name are me, and my paternal cousins wife.

Iā€™m very, very much against RealID.


Your name sounds like an Asian snack.

I want a snack. :frowning:

An Asian snack sounds gud.

just put rice in a pot. Very bummed Iā€™m out of rice in a bag.

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