Enable RealID for the Forums Please

Everyone can rest assured that this isn’t a real, serious suggestion. Just bait from a troll.

That having been said, I’d be fine with everyone posting under their Bnet tag like on all the other Blizzard forums.

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i think we all know why…


The voices in my head cannot be contained. They manifest as my alts

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But I would love to see those words typed out in clear English though!

A girl can dream can’t she?

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I’m actually all for having only one “toon” Per account.

Let’s turn this troll into a reality


that is a pretty big dream! lol i get it tho, we’d all like to hear it from the horses mouth, but i dont think they are Mr. Ed.

im gonna have to explain who Mr. Ed is to some people, arent i?


Yeah I am beginning to think my fire breathing unicorn is more likely.

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You remind me of that one Robot Chicken clip where the Riddler is scrolling though somebody’s 5 years of tweet history and act all evil about it with that somebody getting ratioed and such :laughing:

(I wish i’ve found that clip. :frowning: )

I suspect this as well

Especially with OP post count and troll threads :face_with_monocle:

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The same can be said for Real ID on forums.

Battletag - Sure
RealID - ROFL hell no

How about you ask Blizzard to go ahead and post our credit card info as well as our login credentials as well?

Battle tag would at least do a lot to keep all these trolls from just posting on alts once people start to hate them


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Not to me, but yeah someone on this thread is either confused or on google now.

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I don’t really think so. It isn’t like anything is going to functionally change if we “know” people are alts or not. They’ll still troll and do their nonsense one way or the other. You can still pay as much or as little mind to them as you can currently.

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i really hope that if they implement BTag, that its retroactive. i have a feeling there would be several posts all with the same tag. it will be glorious!

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Sorry, but no one gets my real name on social media or games.

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Well first I’d need to know what “realID” is. That sounds like a privacy disaster. I don’t think the forums needs to be revamped. The Community Council already has a direct line with Blizzard developers. Just seems like a waste of resources.

If this is about not liking forum threads or posters, you can already ignore users, mute threads and ignore what you don’t like. Seems like a non-issue :man_shrugging:

Most likely, Wilbur.


Tell ya what, tell me your full real name, and then I’m convinced that it’s a good idea :slight_smile:

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