Enable RealID for the Forums Please

Pro detective work

You know, those game silences should carry over to here. I have now come to a moment of enlightenment. If all these punishments are real allegedly, wouldnā€™t the company want to limit total access for the ā€œgroundingā€ period?

Would solve a lot of headaches for the forums mods we potentially haveā€¦


Yea they should also have there social security number,adress and credit score next to there real id, makes tones of sense

My name is Seymour Bhuts. I am in the book.

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the credit goes to this guy, he found them out

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Yes, your Battletag is a nickname you select. On all other Blizzard forums we post by our Btag and trust levels, flags, etc are bound to that. Someone can still sock puppet, but they need more Bnet accounts and game licences to do it.

This forum people at least 50 chars per licence, and up to 8 licences per Bnet.

I would NEVER support RealID. Never ever in a million years. It was bad when they suggested it years ago, and is bad now.

Battletag though, yah that would be fine and in line with the other Blizz forums. Maybe with our avatar being the char we select so we can keep our tranmogs showing and stuffs.


My Battletag is something I think that is clever and I wouldnā€™t be against it. As long as I can still have my gorgeous panda face under my name.

A rose by any other name, amirite :rose:

Actually, i wasnā€™t the first one, i just more or less gave the links. :man_shrugging:

Wait, was that not supposed to be my home address?

You shall be punished with bear kisses.

Why would you rat ppl out?

youā€™re the only one iā€™ve seen, so iā€™m giving it to you anyway lol

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Those are fun.

ā€œOh yeah,I remember that post! Good times, good timesā€¦ā€

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Cause iā€™m a Rogue. :zipper_mouth_face:

As much as I love the name Happy Place, Iā€™d rather be called Autai. Maybe they can give us a nickname and it has a CD to change?

Anything you post online is FOREVER! If you say something bad, it will haunt you back later in your life.

We get one free Battletag name change per account. After that it is a paid service. Blizzard does occasionally offer free ones though if major changes are made. IF we were to move over to a Btag system, I would hope everyone got a free Btag change if they did not have one available. That way people can ensure they are comfortable with their Btag posting name, and fix anything that might not be appropriate.

What is RealID? If this is something thatā€™ll identify someone IRL and put their name or info on the public forum, no thanks. I really donā€™t get the alts are a problem on the forums.

It really wouldnā€™t matter if an alt or someoneā€™s ā€œmainā€ posted a thread. The outcome will be the same regardless. Why waste resources implementing something that will not improve anything?

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Not me šŸ« 

I only got one request

It would improve the forums as a whole. Youā€™d have less of people like the OP posting so many threads on different characters.

Itā€™s funny, every time this comes up you are one of the only ones protesting it. Can I ask why?


I am ok with using battle.net tags for the forums, but real id is a big bad idea. Giving real names out on the internet is a huge risk to people, enabling stalking, threats of violence, identity theft or even death in some cases.

So this is a big no for me.

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