Enable RealID for the Forums Please



only if we can block posts with certain words in it like if i dont want to see any lgbtq posts i can type in that key word and never see them again.

then i would accept realid for forums.

In what way would battle tags do this?

No. Just no. I have RealID enabled for people I know IRL and everyone else just knows me by my character name. If youā€™re so obsessed with moderation, maybe you should practice some self moderation and get off of the internet. Demanding that other peopleā€™s identities be revealed to complete strangers so you can harass them is just weird, and creepy. Get a life. Seriously.

no you donā€™t. you have battle tag enabled. realID is different get a clue

I know what Iā€™m talking about, and I know the difference. Obviously you donā€™t, so Iā€™ll enlighten you. Battletag shows your game name, like ā€œBusterBroā€ or whatever. RealID shows your real name, or whatever name your account is registered to. I have RealID enabled for people I personally know.

umm they can have both I have several people I have known longer than WoW has existed that I see their full name on my friends list. Others I have just their battletag, and others I only have in game characters and info

just shows you canā€™t fix stupid

Yeah, youā€™re a perfect example of that.

Did you read the text provide by Ronalio in my post?
Do you think it is incorrect?

No itā€™s correct that doesnā€™t make the statement that I have friends on my friends list that I am RealID friends with and see them as such. I donā€™t see Username#2456 when my brother logs into a game I see John Smith has logged on.

Not sure what your point is. using battle tags for forum posting would be safe. it would get rid of people like me posting on an alt.

The point is you told someone they were wrong and told them to get a clue and then doubled down on it when you were corrected.

Got it you are here to troll and cause problems like baiting people.

Not a troll. i thought real id was gone. iā€™ve been wrong before and I will again.

BUTā€¦using battle tags for forum posting would be safe. Real id is not safe.

The problem is, most people are known as a character and not by their battle tag. So having to post and say ā€œHey itā€™s meā€ would be a bother. Again, I have people who are friends that I play with who have my battle tag, and Iā€™m okay with that. I donā€™t want complete strangers having it, who could then use it find me in game and possibly harass me. Itā€™s bad enough when you get a ā€œfriend requestā€ from somebody who ends up either rage whispering you or being some gold/services selling spam. I like having control over who has access to my information. Iā€™m not willing to give that up just because people post on alts. The way I figure, if someone doesnā€™t want to post something on a character with an identity, itā€™s obviously something they donā€™t stand behind. Besides, it wouldnā€™t stop people from just using trial accounts with fake names. So itā€™s not worth the effort. All it would really do is make the people who do contribute to the forums not want to post.

When you go to accept a friend it does give you the option of either battletag or real id.

That would have no affect on using battletags in the forums because it is a separate program from the game .