Enable RealID for the Forums Please

No if they want to use battletags for posting fine , but they don’t need our real info .


That’s hilarious.

Mine is IrishDoll#1853

Let’s be friends :upside_down_face:


It isn’t, so here you go:


Just make people post on the character they have the most time /played.

Problem solved.

I miss when there was a plug-in for chrome that showed everybody’s forum alt


I already do this, I think. I’m not sure if this hunter or my warlock have more time played.

He was trying so hard to balance the level of sucking up he needed to do in order to get what he wants :rofl:

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I think you can still piece together who is whose alt, to some degree, by looking at their battle pets.


Yeah, it was interesting to see how many people actually argued with themselves to boost their topics.


Come on this is coming from the video person.

They want rage!

Post history pretty much sums it up really.

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you sure can, for example here’s two of OP’s alts that they have also trolled on


All of my alts have the same naming convention so when I do it, it is both extremely obvious and also entirely for comedic value.

You can but it’s a hit or miss method.

A double edged sword will strike your target as desired but act with care, lest the cold uncaring steel harm the one who wields it as well.

Meditate on this.

There’s no need for real id, they have battle tags that are easy, way less invasive, and limited to one per account. So alts still have the same battle tag.

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And hilarious every time.

edit: god, every time I log onto an alt it’s just a massive amount of notifications for posts reported and/or removed lmao


Well it’s because it’s a silly idea, since it opens up to potential harassment, rather then curb it. There’s a reason why people value anonymousness on the internet and it’s not to hide because they did bad things, but to hide from people who intend to do bad things to, like doxing.

Either somebody is ignorant to this idea of what it actually does, or they are one of the bad actors they claim to be against.

Like one of yours? :point_down:


Nice backwards logic here. Especailly since the same idea you’re asking for will harm you too.

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Totally agree. Battle tags are the way to go.

Uh oh! Sherlock Holmes investigation going on!