Forum Bans should carry over to In-Game Bans

You can start by leaving the community. I can guarantee it would make it more wholesome and less filled with bad actors then any of your terrible ideas.

“Everybody who disagrees with me, despite the fact my idea will open up more harassment, including myself, are trolling”… /s

Oh hey, another idea that will just kick you straight right in the butt and you still wonder why people disagree with it.

Also, nilla-ace, do you’re thing.

Yeah honestly, you’re literally asking people to report you whenever you can with your ideas OP, heck, you aligned yourself with LGBT only to protect yourself, and there’s some people who are LGBT too or even will say their LGBT without even proving it (because there’s no way to prove your straight or LGBT without doxing somebody), what do you think their going to do if they feel threatened by you?

I think it’s better for everybody if you just shush.

Because it would open up more harassment rather then positivity. You know honestly, your ideas strike me more of you seeming pro-harrassment. :thinking:

Then again, you’ve lost the mask when you started being fake positive to harass and troll other people so…