Enable PvE to PvP Server Transfer


Bumpady bump

How long have we been asking for this? I just dont think Blizz wants to do it at this point. Hate to say it…

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There’s literally no reason not to at this point. Aside from Firemaw and Grobbulus, all PvP servers might as well be PVE servers anyway.

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One of the main reasons why it was not done back in the day was due to battle groups and server blades. At this point none of that exists. They pushed for mega servers and now they don’t want to continue to commit to them. I’m forever stuck on pve :frowning:

There you go blizz, sunwells been cleared… tbc is over. Can we have this now? ffs.

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Please let this happen, i have one alliance character stuck on remulos and id like to move to arugal which would even help balance out the horde inbalance. I rolled here to play with some friends and when they stopped i went to arugal for alliance and yojamba for my horde guys. If anything on the OCE allowing alliance off of remulos would help balance the pvp servers.

Why did you level on a pve server? Like there’s literally no reason to ever do that. The rule against transferring pve>pvp has been around forever. You have no excuse. Stop crying about it and reroll.

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Enable it Blizz wtf is taking you so long

what do you need it for?

So that all of my characters are one my main server

Besides the fact that the restriction hasn’t existed for the better part of 14 years and got reintroduced in classic likely because of pressure from the no changes crowd. Spell batching was also asked for which was always a mistake that eventually got corrected similar to what we find ourselves in now.

This leveling on a PVE server to avoid ganks excuse, let’s be realistic and understand that no one is doing that. Why level to max on PVE to transfer to PVP to get ganked anyways at max level? This is not avoiding anything, on properly balanced realms it happens frequently.

I have played this game since 2005 and i assure you going from PVE to PVP provides no major advantage.


Bump, please!

I leveled on a PvP server and transferring to PvE with guild when my server died was a mistake.

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It literally hasn’t been around forever though. Disabled in 2008 during sunwell or right around then. Hasn’t existed since until classic was reintroduced. It didn’t make sense then and it doesn’t make sense now.

It was enabled in 2008


Do you have any source saying it was ever disabled?

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Loving all the Remulos people in here, yeah I feel you mates, it’s not too late to reroll on Arugal.

Also this topic has been going for years… even before Classic released. I gave up and rerolled, you can too.

Well if it was eventually enabled then beforehand it must have been…disabled?

I am PRO pve → pvp if that wasn’t clear. We may be saying the same thing. I meant disabled as in turned off that dumb restriction.

2 forum trolls…yikes