Enable PvE to PvP Server Transfer

We can only hope they come to their senses soon…

isnt the pvp realm lopsided horde and basically a PvE realm at this point anyway ?

Yojumba to online stats is pretty balanced. Arugal is more horde leaning but its not the levels of US Faelina or Whitemane.

Their concern is legit. They’d be a holdout. Many horde dumped remulos months in really. I started horde on remulos. when it got to 300 max…I left lol.

It shot up to 900 of late. for now…lol.

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It’s 900 now to site stats. But…yeah.

When I logged in at the 300 and saw NO lfg chatter I said time to go lol. Enough people with off hours in the states has me go I make out decent hitting US servers.

I disagree. You should have rolled on a PVP server. How lovely to be able to hit max level in a cupcake PVE server and avoid getting ganked, then try to transfer over…have your cake and eat it too.

no, you got to receive the bumps and bruises that come with being on a PVP server.

I don’t think the goal here is to move to benediction as horde to own the server. I don’t think most would pay to go horde on .5% horde server either.

it be to hit whitemane or faerlina. Both at 99.X% horde. Since maybe they don’t want mankrik. maybe they got friends there.

and at this point both are pve servers really. its just come wrath the whopping .5% of alliance in them will be some busy as hell people in wintergrasp and wraths queued bg’s. But they should be there.

I’m leveling on benediction now. Haven’t even seen a horde yet. There is no worrying about getting ganked.

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Grob is still a real PVP server.

Dont feed the troll


Please explain how alliance on benediction or horde on faerlina do not have a cupcake experience. I’d love to see the hoops you’ll
Jump through to try to explain that logic.

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k, well keep up the good work :slight_smile: no need to open a window which would allow people to cheat PVP servers by leveling on PVE.

Server transfers from PvE to PvP should be unrestricted, period. The only real con I see is people leveling toons on a PvE server then moving them to a PvP server ( to avoid being ganked, no doubt. ) But, as someone who has played for 15 years consistently, I don’t see any real harm in this.

Go ahead Blizzard and make it a thing as of WOTLK Classic or sooner ( the better )

~ Fel

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Since the births of one sided faction mega servers and boosts, the argument of having a harder time to level on PvP servers is flawed. Just enable it already.


say it again sire

Please for the love of god let us transfer, a real slap in the face too while the transfer is on sale

Good idea!

it is a great idea.

get me outta here

Also giving this thread a bump