Enable PvE to PvP Server Transfer

There’s not really any pvp on pvp servers, but you had your chance to roll on one.

Regardless that wasnt the point some of the pvp servers are more popular now in terms of raiding as well


Please, I would like to move my PVE characters off of their dead servers and onto the most popular servers in the game.


now that release of wotlk is announced hopefully they allow this


Agreed. I wonder when they will say something.

Can blizzard confirm if this will be in prepatch, or sooner?

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I play on the only OCE PVE realm. If they implement PVE to PVP transfers, our population will be even worse than it is now, with people moving off to join the more populated PVP server. I don’t want to play on a PVP realm and I don’t want to play on a US realm. This is my only server choice. If it dies, I’ll probably stop playing.

So people should be forced to stay somewhere against their will for the sake of others?

It’s crazy this isn’t in the game yet


I assume most people want to be able to play on a server with a healthy population. The problem is that if you simply open pve>pvp transfers, that has the very real possibility of killing Remulos, and we don’t have an equivalent realm to transfer to (even if I wanted to). I want to be able to play PVE, Horde, Oceanic.

It’s annoying to see players from Remulos happy to throw other Remulos players under the bus because they’re quite happy to head off to Arugal, nbd. I chose PVE for a reason. I don’t want to be forced to play on a PVP realm or a laggy US realm. Why can’t there be a solution where we are both able to play where we want to play? Why does it have to be this zero sum thing?

I don’t want anyone to be “stuck” on a realm they don’t want to be on. I also don’t want my own characters to languish on a dead realm because I have no other options. If I was in the US I would at least have options, but Remulos is it. It was different in original TBC when there was more than one PVE realm in the region, but in classic there’s no other realm to merge with, there’s no other realm to transfer to. I also recognise that there is a smaller number of players in the OCE region, a smaller chunk who want to play PVE, and an even smaller slice of that population who prefer to play Horde, so it’s not like we can magically create a bigger and more healthy realm population. But I feel like there has to be a solution out there, instead of just letting our only PVE realm die?

This is an issue that so many people have asked for Blizzard to fix, and I don’t think opening server transfers is a fix at all, it’s just a temporary measure. It doesn’t fix the problem of realms that start out healthy and then dwindle and leave people stranded. And in the case of Remulos (Horde especially), transfers could be the end of us. There has to be a better solution than just “let us transfer to Arugal please”. Surely?

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Let me transfer to a pvp server if i have multiple level 70s on that pvp server already, and clearly do not play on the pve server at all.


There should be the option to transfer to play with your friends on other servers. I have an entire guild that is planning on relocating to a pvp server come Wotlk and we are looking at starting from scratch. Some of our members work long hours and this is going to take them months to get toons to level 70 in time. We have over 30 members. All with 2-4 characters. Surley blizzard won’t pass up that money grab and allow us to pay transfer over? We are ready to experience pvp and are kinda over the boring pve experience.


This restriction is so dumb… the idea that they are gatekeeping some mythical classic experience with this is so out of touch with reality, it just shows that they haven’t bothered looking at the current classic servers in a long time


Yep. Oce especially. Horde remulos has had population issues off an on all of tbcc.

Only pve server there so….to see better horde number it has to be the oce pvp servers.that they can’t go to.

Hopefully this will happen for phase 5… but we will see… do it blizz!




answer pls

It really feels like an outdated restriction

It’s extremely outdated, oddly enough in 2008 they realized this restriction served no purpose but here we are in 2022 asking for it to be dropped again lol

Currently I am stuck in PVE jail unable to transfer to play with all my real life friends who are enjoying TBC till WOTLK.

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Tbh…only 1 pvp server needs to be blacklisted from this as I see it.


That I’d like to see try to keep its (close enough) balance.

rest of them though…oh no, faerlina and whitemane took on 500 new horde. the balance is shattered. its now 99.75% horde not 99.5%.

that .25% would just make those pvp servers pve servers really. /sarcasm.

Side note I was looking at west coast servers for better ping for horde. Whitemane gets me 120 ping. Mankrik…is 230.

If I were to reroll a horde or transfer from mankrik to whitemane (if allowed at some point)…whitemane as a 99% server would be better option than west coasts pve servers lol.

I play us servers from japan. megaservers get me better chance to seeing people my times. 12000+ people…I will catch many US night owls or people on less traditional “9 to 5” job setups. Way more than a population of 700 anyway.

Not to mention, there are people who will be coming back to play wrath! We should have the freedom to move and play with those friends too!!!

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