Empowered Imperial Consular doing too much damage

The pacify ability is complete garbage. No warning, no counterplay (can’t interrupt, avoid, etc), you just randomly stand still for an eternity while the monster guns you down like an extra in a cheap movie. That’s exactly what this encounter is: cheap.

Ret Paladin here, met this bastard on floor 2 of a Layer 6. Yeah, i cannot Rebuke/HoJ him enough to not die, and that’s also with my Divine Shield and Word of Glories and Shield of Vengeance— FULL Cooldowns available. I died all 6 deaths to him and failed Torghast.

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Got the same issue. And I’ve been getting this pos every level I go to. I cannot get past it, and I’d love for some kind of fix or comp for the may torghast goers that have had the run stopped for them due to this singular, floating, venthyr demon.

yeah. this mob is b.s.

This is crazy. Sin Bolt + Melee hit doing near 60k damage in less than 2 seconds flat.

We did 8 today and ran into this bad boy on floor two. Our group was resto druid, Guardian druid (me), and affliction warlock. We killed all the tower dudes to get our haste up after back to back wipes. The warlock and I had to coordinate kicks on volley because it would 1 shot the resto and warlock. We managed to beat him but it was rough. Toward the end he was nearly 1 shotting me with each sin bolt. Fortunately curse of tongues worked him or I don’t think we would have made it.

Our good friend here has been nerfed as of the latest hotfix. Anyone here could give it a try again and let the rest of us know if it is doable now?
Wowhead link

10000000000000000000% Agree. It feels so good to spend 2+ hours to get to the EMPOWERED IMPERIAL CONSULAR only to get wiped. That 6 second silence makes it impossible, and the bolts 1 shot the healer cause I can not interrupt in the silence. Just a PHAT repair bill at the end and 0 loot/0 Soul Ash. Laughable really. PLEASE TUNE this down just a bit. Maybe make the silence shorter or something. God help us stay sane. <3 Good luck.

I was having a decent time in Borehast until like week two when I encountered those elites that don’t drop anything and reduce your healing by almost 100%. I knew then right there I was done with this place lol.

How has this not been hot fixed yet? Its clearly over tuned. This mob hits harder than the bosses. As a prot warrior, he hits me for 7k-10k with a sin bolt on layer 8. I can’t interrupt 20+ bolts in a row with this pacify which keeps messing up my int rotation, while trying to dps through 170k hp.

Yeah im so glad I used up all my free time to get to floor 5 on level 8 and just die

Still broken.

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Still having issues with it, think Ill take a break from the activity for a while until they iron it out. Not a single fury legendary is worth this headache haha

Still not fixed.

Dam I thought I was being smart leaving. but then I end up wasting two hours of my life. I guess its a dps check for tanks. Creeping sins from the final boss would just force me to move cause if I stood still its hit for 20k … nothing like 1-5% boss life 7 times in a row to die to an 100yrd instant cast ground effect… guess it makes sense if they’re trying to forcing me to team up with dps who’d have it even harder.

Still unable to clear Torghast at all. Guess we’re just going to lose a week of Soul Ash.


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Was able to kill her using my 3 interrupts on paladin.

Lady had the nerve to drop an anima power that reduces casting speed by 30%

wow, I Just wasted a nice little chunk of time there. this mob is still very much broken. The night fae ability gives no indicator from what I can see. It took me a few pulls to realize that it wasn’t me lagging or my computer malfunctioning. Then why have a night fae ability on this mob that is already so challenging that is venthyr??? it must be broken

I HOPE it is broken. because I’m not sure I want to play a game made by misanthropic developers

Imagine being on layer 8 floor 4 and his sin bolts doing 37k! and deleting prot pallys

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Ran into this again today, can confirm it’s still broken. Even using every cd available to me as a BrM, kiting and using transcendence to interrupt casts, it:

  1. is just plain too much damage and too much health
  2. the pacify has no counterplay and in fact is unclear when it’s happening so that it takes me a couple of seconds i’d otherwise use to LOS to figure out that it’s what’s going on (especially when I’m otherwise trying to interrupt a spell).