Empowered Imperial Consular doing too much damage

Confirm overtune. Absolutely no counter to this mob, and it’s not a gear or spec issue.

Just had this boss on layer 2, even AFTER the recent nerfs. still too hard, died and couldn’t pass after having relative ease everywhere else.

Holy Frustration. Came here to see what I might be doing wrong, when I came across this guy today gate keeping the portal to Floor 6 in the Upper Reaches. Luckily, based on all of the comments, I’m probably not.
Running it as a Blood DK, on layer 2 (I was hoping for a quick run) he still went through all of my deaths. I could get him down to 12% before I finally met my maker. No matter how many times I stunned and interrupted him it didn’t seem to matter. I totally agree with Dionar, up until this point, I was breezing through everything else.

For reference purposes:
I started the encounter with 50,940 health
his which was 115k
or something along those lines.

he did 681k damage to me over 3 fights. 239,061 of which was just from the Sin Bolts I couldn’t Interrupt because my abilities were on CD. I was able to heal through 568k worth of damage but it obviously wasn’t nearly enough. That all being said looking at my encounter breakdowns his melee strikes were far more damaging. This is due to the fact that while his Sin Bolt hits really damn hard, his melee seems to be continuous when he isn’t casting. Even moving I still took 50% melee damage each encounter.
I am happy I at least completed the quest I entered to completed, since I couldn’t complete the layer.

Post-nerfs, I think this boss is way more manageable. Still noticeably more difficult than any other floor-end boss, but I did a run earlier with four of them (yes, every end floor boss was an Empowered Imperial Consular, I couldn’t believe my eyes on the 4th floor and was just resigned by the 5th) as a mistweaver and was able to deal with it - not easy, definitely harder than the other options, but also definitely more manageable than before. I still wish the pacify mechanic had a screen graphic, obvious buff, or something else to make it clear what was going on before you waste a few seconds getting error messages.

Had to beat it by putting the peridot dot on it and kite it the whole dungeon to kill it and it still almost killed me, the last boss of layer 8 was just murdering me with melee attacks 80k in just melee attacks, seems ridiculous to me

Hey, Blizz. I know these forums are awash in anger and frustration, basically all the time! I never come to them for that reason. I don’t like the idea of piling on.

This mob, for the first time in 15+ years of Wow, caused me to want to come here and vent my frustrations. As a prot pally, I generally have fairly smooth ride in Torghast. I thoroughly enjoy soloing it, grinding it out; it’s a ton of fun.

Then I hit this guy at the end of Floor 5. I went from full lives, to none. I had to go to Wowhead to figure out why all of a sudden I couldn’t attack or build holy power…

I love this game. I ADORE this game. This experience totaled a 1.5-hour run for me, and ended an otherwise wonderful night of play on an utter downer. I feel sad and depressed instead of bright and excited. It’s the opposite of how I normally feel in WoW.

If this is seen, please consider a change to the boss that doesn’t make it feel like you can’t DO anything to combat the mechanics. I’d be very grateful.

Thanks for reading,

Dan / Arkyn

Still absolutely impossible. I cleared layer 8 on the other wing today (174 fmage), and figured i might actually be able to get my legendary this week. So I tried layer 8 on this wing too, but nope. Aboslutely destroyed. I couldn’t even get past the guy who casts sinbolt (the guy in OP). I tried layer 7. Absolutely destroyed at cramwell, but hey at least this time I got to the last boss (after waiting for my 5min cds to be up several times each floor). So I tried a third time on layer 6, surely this should be doable if I can clear layer 8 on the other wing. Nope. Had to use an aegis that I was saving for the boss on the floor 5 mini boss because he absolutely destroyed me (again the guy in the OP). He doesn’t spam sin bolt any more, which I guess is what they “fixed”. He now hits 8k in melee instead, as if that is better. At least it makes it possible to juke him a little but it matters little when he kills you in three hits.

This wing itself is just extremely overtuned. Maw rats have more than 5k health on LAYER 6. Normal mobs have 20-30k towards the end. Other mobs had like 10k in the other wing at layer 8? I could combo the normal mobs in the other wing layer 8 fine and kill them in 3-4 spells, but here even if I burn 8 spells (3 fire blasts, casting 3 pyroblasts, 2 phoenix) they still don’t die. And those small skeletons have over 10k health. Is this a joke? Are we not supposed to complete this? Doesn’t help that there’s not a single epic power.
So anyway on the layer 6 I got to the last boss at least. He has 440k health and hits for 8k melee. Using every single defensive ability and time warp full burst withj around 13k dps, I l got him down to 300k and game over.

This is aboslutely ridiculous and I am utterly mad that I wasted 5 hours of my time trying to get my legendary this week instead of just waiting. I guess I should have stopped after just stepping into layer 8 on the upper reaches and seeing the mobs hps.

If you don’t already use it try the WeakAuras addon. I hesitated for so long to use it and I still only use it for a few random spells. But it’s the spells like this where you really need to know specifics, and you can specify what it tells you whether it is uptime of a buff, or CD, or debuff, etc. You can even chose how it looks and where on the screen you see it. It’s quite customizable, and they have pre-sets for each spec if you don’t want to play with all of the settings.
For example, on my DK I use it to give me visible lines that tick down a count around myself whenever I proc crimson scourge so I don’t constantly have to watch my buff bar.

They need to do something about this floor boss, finally got good powers as a warrior (a class which gets screwed by random non-sense powers, ALOT), just to hit this boss and go from full lives to loss, the pacify needs to either have a cast time so it can be interrupted, or allow for defensives to be cast while its active…or you know, remove it entirely, since its bs to begin with

This thing crushed me on Upper Reaches Layer 8, Floor 2 today, playing as prot pally. Just awful, little to no hope of beating it.

Trying today on Upper Reaches Layer 7, Floor 4… got it down to 12K once but then couldn’t cast diddly-squat and got smacked down. Argh argh argh.

Still very tough. Couldn’t do as Unholy but barely managed switching to Blood and getting some mediocre anima powers.

No chance as an ilevel 187 Prot Pally. Couldn’t get past him in a layer 7, floor 5. That sin bolt is cast way too often and that pacify debuff can go straight to hell. What a waste of an hour.

This was ridiculously tough. I had to use my Horseman Gate typically used for last boss and it was still very close. No way 1 boss should be that hard and the pacify is just silly… If I didn’t get lucky with the Horseman Gate would have been an hour wasted. Layer 7 Floor 5.

Welp, looks like I’m going to lose Soul Ash because this still isnt’ fixed. I’ve tried running with groups, different specs, strats, etc… Nothing works. This NPC is WAY overtuned and needs to be fixed last week.

It’s not even ONLY sinbolt, his auto attacks hit fast and hard too. Like he was hitting my pet for 6k before any stacks.

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I got killed three times by this after wasting an hour and a half in layer 5, this and the Watchers of Death are overtuned…

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Still ridiculously overtuned but so are the regular Consulars. Their Sin Bolts do 20k+ on layer 1 floor 14. That is unacceptable.

Even with powers my monk was only at 60khp so if one aggros and I don’t notice it? Dead. If one aggros and I cannot close while being held by another mob? Dead.

The Empowered oh, let’s recount the fun:

Opening Melee:
5,792 Physical (25,719 Absorbed)
First Sin bolt:
25,307 Shadow (9.596 Absorbed)
Second sin bolt:
13,766 Shadow (19,977 Absorbed)
Meanwhile my stagger is pumping out 1300 per
Subjugate 8,036 Shadow (3,046 Absorbed)
Subjugate 9,042 Shadow (2,040 Absorbed)
Subjugate 9,041 Shadow (2,040 Absorbed)
Sin Bolt #3:
30,890 Shadow (6,971 Absorbed)
Melee Hit #2:
15,456 Physical (17,155 Absorbed)
Melee Hit #3:
17,691 Physical (19,636 Absorbed)
Final Sin Bolt:
16,425 Shadow (6,285 Absorbed) (11,425 Overkill)

I mean my brewmaster is not stacked gear wise only 191 but even in better gear if all I can do is spam heals and interrupt that fight is unwinnable regardless of RNG which was amazing on that run.

I had 5 Corrosive Damage which is the only reason I got a Touch of Death off on the guy which did a whopping 20k…lol

I had 30% damage reduction on crane kick

I had the fae stomp stack increase so I could viv stomp viv stomp in this fight.

I had every power I could find and buy because I got every phant that dropped and that fight was still a bloodbath. I was stacking epics ffs. The only thing I did not have was something to use once interrupt, sweep, paralyze, and ring of peace were all spent. I even had two shields from the power that turns torpedo into a 15% max health absorb. Just unreal. LAYER 1.

Almost as bad as The Maw of the Maw that I wasted hours getting to earlier on layer 4.

For no reward most of the time Twisting Corridors are really overtuned.

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I just ran into him on layer 7 floor 14 and lost all my deaths to him. His spell he casts was taking 50k a hit off me, and he casts it about every 3 seconds. Even with my spell disrupt, stun, and immunity to damage during eye beam I was unable to mitigate the damage enough to get past him.

I was even pooling my soul fragments for each cast, and could heal up to max in seconds., and that wasn’t enough.

It felt really buggy because there would be about a 3 second lag, where I couldn’t move or attack, just before I would die. I don’t think it’s my internet connection because it didn’t do that all night on any other area in torgast, no matter how many enemies I pulled.

The bastard pacifies! That’s what the delay is. :angry:

Aaaand THIS reminds me why I quit this game a couple of years ago. Not everyone likes to group up, and some of us just don’t have the flexibility to sit for hours doing a quest very often! Urgh!