Employees leaving Blizzard due to RTO

^ absolutely would not understand why this is kind of racist.

You need to stop with the mass reporting hon. I can see it. Now stop projecting. :rofl:

Anime fans are not a race.

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You can’t see who reports anything. You can only see who has liked your posts.

Only thing I’ve flagged is your once racist post. If other people are, that’s on them.

Also, shouldn’t I be on ignore? Is your word worth nothing?

How little you know my friend. But I won’t correct your ignorance on the subject.

I do know. Unless you are at Blizzard with access to the Moderation tools, you can’t see who reports anything.

Just like you seem to mix up the 2019 layoffs with post 2021 hiring initiatives in reaction to a lawsuit.

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You sound hurt. Are you okay? :joy:

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I finally know why this gif exists

Is this a GigaChad?


japanese people are asians. who are in fact a race.


Ah but there are other mediums one can use to reach such conclusions, such as a short posts getting an edit mark only 20 seconds after they were posted over a single period. There is also the fact that the individual ranted about 5-6 edits making a post ‘better’ which lays out basic motive.

Usually when people to squawk, it’s because your hitting too close to home.

But its not “randomly leaving a job”.

Its leaving for a very specific reason.


lol he was making fun of the non Japanese… in fact it had little to do with the Japanese at all. Just because a group of people are merely mentioned does not mean it’s racist. I know you people love to derail conversation by accusing everyone of being mean when it doesn’t go your way.

I legit laughed. Two thumbs up :+1::+1:

ITT: Lots of people who have never worked somewhere where systems knowledge and experience mattered.

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As opposed to people back in the day who handled stress incredibly well, with lots of marital abuse and alcoholism.

Editing marks have nothing to do with reporting. The basic forum functionality allows typo edits for a few mins after posting without the edit pencil showing on the post.

The only interaction with editing and reports is if YOU report something, and someone edits it, you may get a notification about it.

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Glad those things were totally eliminated. Whew.

Yeah someone needs to tell me where all the other members of the Anime race are, because I thought the only members of the Animaniacs were Yakko, Whacko and Dot who lived in the Warner Bros. Tower.

Liar, liar Deathcharger on fire. :stuck_out_tongue:

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